Help!!!! Dog problem...

one thing I've learned about huskies is that they KILL, everything.period

build him a fence or put him on a run when he's outside so he can run around but not kill anything.

one day he's going to go after the wrong thing(cougar,bobcat,coyotes,even a buck deer) depending on where you are, and he's going to get killed.
You can always shave his neck where the collar goes so there is better contact. And you can adjust the level of zap so it's just enough to get his attention. I broke my dog of jumping my fence with one...
One thing that may make this tougher for you is the age of the dog. If he/she had started being trained about critters at a younger age would have been easy. Our mini Aussie has free run of our 13 and knows not to leave it. He also has been taught mice and shrews and moles are OK to kill, it's OK to chase cats off but only watch the deer.
I don't think putting your dog down is the right thing at this point, however neither is tying him up. Dogs need to be able to have some limited (to own property) free run. I would have to agree re-home sounds like the best thing at this point.
Turns out it was a rabbit that another dog nearby attacked. My dog was just adding to the terror. The rabbit was ok, and ran back into the fields nearby.

As for the turtoise, when my friend and I went out to where the turtoise was orginally, it was gone. I guess he was not dead after all.

As for hubby, he says things, but would never kill an animal, unless it became vicious to my family members.

We decided we are going keep him on a leash and let him run free, only when we are right near him, to prevent trouble.
Good luck
Nice to hear the update. Hope it all works out for ya. Maybe yer dog isn't killing on purpose. I have seen this before. Our last dog was Aussie / Border and he would go out in the field and bring in baby bunnies. Once in a while they would be dead but most times he would just lay in the yard with them and when I found him I would take the bunny tell bear where did you get the bunny show me. Well ole bear would get up and lead me right back to the nest in the field. So I would put the bunny back and put a temp fence around to keep him the horses and coyotes out. Then when the bunnies had all left nest I took down the fence. Heck no I am not a softie can ya tell.
I have had Great Pyrenees dogs for many years. I had one that would kill any strange animal that came through the property if he caught it. We didn't even correct him, although we did apologize to a neighbor about a few of their cats being gone over the years. But if they were worried about their cats, they should have kept them on their own property. Our dog killed any animal that didn't belong here (that he could catch).
Your husky's behavior is normal. He is protecting his territory. Some dogs are just territorial.
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Is your yard fenced? If it is I wouldn't worry about it, anything that gets in shouldn't be in there. Huskies are some of the most prey driven dogs out there, they will try to kill anything (generallizing I know, I am sure some don't). Fence him behind a high fence and don't worry about it.
But if they were worried about their cats, they should have kept them on their own property.

you can actually get in trouble for that.

if you live in the country, people are GOING to have outside cats, cats only know boundries THEY set. I've had several cats killed by dogs, so it erks me.

on the other hand
good luck with your husky!​
you can actually get in trouble for that.

if you live in the country, people are GOING to have outside cats, cats only know boundries THEY set. I've had several cats killed by dogs, so it erks me.

on the other hand
good luck with your husky!

If the dog is on it's own property, and the other (cat, dog) comes onto your property, you don't get into trouble. Leash laws exist for a reason. As long as your dog is on your own acerage, you are ok. Like I said, my dog would kill any strange animal he could get a hold of when it chose to intrude on his territory be it domestic or wild. Some dogs are LS guardians (like GP), some are more prey oriented (like huskies or even beagles). But it is in the breed of the dog. It doesn't make the dog bad anymore than a cat killing a mouse makes it bad. You just have to make sure to keep your dog on your property. It is the responcibility of the other people to keep their pets on their property. That is the law.
As long as your dog isn't human-aggressive, I just wouldn't worry about it.

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