Help, DS need a good idea for Earth Science fair project.

You need an independent variable, something you can change, and dependent variables--the things manipulated/changed by the independent variable. The dependent variable depends on what happens with the independent variable.

I'm guessing for sixth grade science, something with rocks would be suitable, i.e. effects of liquid X on different types of rock.
Think rocks, minerals, soil, elements, etc.
The old egg and vinegar experiment may work. Two eggs and two jars. In this case, the liquid you submerse the egg in would be the independent variable. One egg goes in water, the other in a 50-50 mix of white vinegar. After 24 hours, the egg shell should be gone in the vinegar jar, leaving the magical mystical shell-less egg behind, while the water jar just has a wet egg in it. The result would represent the dependent variable.

Also a great way to explain how acid rain affects limestone.

<edited to add a piece of information>

Why does an egg in a jar of vinegar explain acid erosion. Sounds interesting, but I don't understand.
To show erosion? Sorry to sound so dumb. It's been quite a few years since I was in the 6th grade, so I'm totally lost with all this, and to add I don't think I even liked the 6th grade.
Both egg shells and limestone are composed of calcium... the vinegar simulates the effects of acid rain on limestone buildings and structures.
Man science and biology was much easier 30+ years ago..... we just cut open dead frogs and stuff......
Both egg shells and limestone are composed of calcium... the vinegar simulates the effects of acid rain on limestone buildings and structures.

See that's why I ask my BYC friends 'cause you guys are smart. I didn't realize that both egg shells and limestone are composed of calcium.
I agree. I've been dealing with this for a week and we thought we had it figured out but when he turned in the topic and questions that we came up with the teacher told my DS it was wrong, so now he has until Wednesday to come up with a topic.
Even more fun, use any color but white egg. Makes the change from shelled to nekkid egg more obvious.

Try this link

It can also be used to explain osmosis as well as acid rain effects but for earth sciences I'd go with the acid rain thing. Even more fun, I think if you boil the eggs before hand, you can bounce the vinegar egg like it was made out of rubber.

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