HELP! Duckling can't walk, no balance, had injury.

Know this thread is old. I was hoping you may see this and let me know how long it was before you saw improvement with your duck. Mine is doing the exact things yours was..with no improvement after 5 days.
Unfortunately, she did not improve and later died. I hope you will have better success.
The duck behaving as yours was belongs to my 11yo daughter. She has been giving him round the clock care including staying up at night to help him up when he rolls over. I’ve been helping her so she will sleep some at night. I don’t know how long these type of probs usually take before there is any sign at all of some kind of improvement. This is beginning to look like torture to my daughter and the duck. He acts like she’s a duck pal and has always followed her, climbs on her and lays down and such..she raised him. I don’t want to put him down w/o a fair amount of time. But they are both starting to suffer as he grows more impatient everyday and she more sad.
Oh I just saw your post as I was writing that. Thank you for replying and sorry so long. I was just really questioning what to do and what’s best. That helps inform my decision and I really appreciate it. It’s been difficult watching them be so sad.
I gave him b complex. We also fed him peas for some extra niacin. On the 6th day he hadn’t improved any at all. He began to be agitated that day as well and my daughter was barely able to comfort him. We made a tough decision late that evening.

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