help egg cracked


In the Brooder
5 Years
Sep 17, 2014
I have a broody hen on 5 eggs all are going to hatch and I hope it stays that way anyways I went down to check the and one had a CRACK! There is a little blood not not a lot but a tiny bit I candled it and its still moving (for now) I am so worried! My question is will it survive if you need a picture I can get one there on day 18 I just want him/her to survive.

Here's a picture
Try not to panic and take a deep breath :hugs From looking at your pic that looks like a pip to me so nothing to panic about you say your on day 18 you may just have an early hatcher. What breed is this egg? You have seen blood because the chick is not ready to hatch yet it needs to absorb yolk and all those blood vessels. I would put it back under mum and try to let nature take its course. I'm not sure what you meant by it's going in not out? Do you mean a piece of shell?
A piece of shell shouldn't harm the chick I've had bits of shell go in on pipping before. At day 18 your chick will be very well formed keeping it under mum will be best for it to give it time to absorb everything. There really isn't much else you can do to help this chick other than keep it under mum. Good luck with your hatch hop all goes well for you :fl

Here's a picture

I don't think that's a pip... Not much you can or should do, if the amount of blood doesn't increase I think you have a good shot at a chick...

I don't want to worry you, but may I ask how old your hen is? I ask because I have a 6.5-7 month old Barred rock that went broody, I sat eggs under her and on day 18 she killed a chick... My thought is that she felt it moving, maybe heard it peep and killed it.. I want to say she was to young, but I don't know.. I tagged her so when she goes broody again I will know.

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