Help. First time hatching


Mar 16, 2019
So the other day I noticed silver laced went broody. Well excitingly I heard little peeps an egg is hatching!!! My question the chick has the shell almost gone but the white it still on her is this normal. She is still chirping and trying to get out
If it is out of the shell but still wrapped in the membrane I would carefully remove the membrane. Do you have a picture you can post?
So the other day I noticed silver laced went broody. Well excitingly I heard little peeps an egg is hatching!!! My question the chick has the shell almost gone but the white it still on her is this normal. She is still chirping and trying to get out
You said that "the other day" your chicken went broody. Eggs need 21 days to hatch
Well kids had been getting eggs and I seen my girl out a few times a day so didn't think anything about it well then she was in the box and I decided to look under her and she was hiding eggs. It was about a week ago. I candled them and the eggs looked almost full so I get the broody be too see if they would hatch.
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If it is out of the shell but still wrapped in the membrane I would carefully remove the membrane. Do you have a picture you can post?
Pics posted. The whole underneath is free of the shell as well. The membrane seems to be entirely tough
I would assist. With the membrane dry like that the chick may be stuck. Proceed carefully and if you see any blood, stop. You can moisten the membrane with warm water to help loosen it.
I would assist. With the membrane dry like that the chick may be stuck. Proceed carefully and if you see any blood, stop. You can moisten the membrane with warm water to help loosen it.
Thank you for your help. I ended up having to help the chick out. Then momma started pecking at her. I watched for a bit and she kept watching the chick like it was an alien and actually moved away from it. Since it was really late and iI you want to leave the chick unattended for too long i ended up putting her under heat lamp. She was moving around five just seemed to have some issues staying on her feet she would fall backwards. Well when my husband got home I had to take her out of her box so he could fix her a permanent spot and as terrible as I feel she jumped right out of my hands and fell. I tried tried catching her and couldn't she hit the floor. At first she couldn't make a sound but them seemed to come back and was running all over and chirping so i thought she would be ok I heard her at 3am and went to check at 4 and she has passed on her back. So I don't know if she couldn't get back up from her back and died or if when she fell something happened internally. Or maybe something was wrong and that's why momma didn't want her.

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