help...first time sooo confused

Candling question we are in day 5 and we noticed the more porous eggs are not developing as quickly as the others. Any thoughts?

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PLEASE HELP TEMP terrible mishap. For some reason the temp in my house raise between my lunch break and coming home. Using a still air little giant 9200. This caused the incubator to raise to 102.5 never been this high before. Brought it down right away. Any thoughts. Will this ruin our hard work? Was at day 5 or 6. How can I tell if the eggs were damage?
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Actually I think my temps have been too high this whole time average 99.7 - 100.4 these are batam chicks. Can anybody give some advice thanks!
If it's still air, the temps should be a little higher, so 102 is actually more of where you want to be. I didn't learn that till after my very first hatch. Working on my second now and the growth looks more on time compared to pictures I seen.
My first hatch went great.....until I intervened when I shouldn't have. I freaked out, thought I needed to help and lost two chicks out of three. I did a very small clutch for my first hatch, I was worried about having too many and killing all of them. They took two extra days to hatch because of temps being a little too low. I have since learned to keep my hands out of the incubator and let them do their thing. It was a hard lesson. Started with ten eggs on this one and down to 8 because of quitters. I pretty sure I have two more quitters in there but leaving them in there for the time being. I'll take them out before lockdown as my daughter wants to give them a chance in case we are wrong. Today is day 13 so still have some time to go.
Cool day 7 for us. Intervened? Like an assisted hatch? Yea I gave to resist the urge to candle everyday!
I have 1 roo and 19 pullets, they are about 7-8 weeks old. They are outside in the new coop and run. I went and got 4 silkies about 2 weeks ago they are still inside. How soon can they be introduced. Btw, of the 20 ;;;; 1 wydanotte roo 6 brahmas, 4 australorps, 4 rir, 6 new hamps. And I think one of the silkies is a roo
I have since learned to keep my hands out of the incubator and let them do their thing. It was a hard lesson.

This is the best advise you can get.
So many people ruin hatches trying to make sure everything is perfect and you dont need perfect. In nature its never perfect and broodies always have a better hatch rate.
For all newbies...
Set your temp and then leave it alone. Bouncing a few degrees doesnt hurt but when you try to adjust thermostats in mid hatch they end up all over the place and that will kill the eggs.
Turn the eggs and then get out. No need to take the extra time to make sure every egg is turned perfectly everytime. I dont candle at all any more but when I did I candled on day 10 and 18. Thats it. If you candle every other day through out the hatch what does that really get you? More cooling of the eggs, humidity drops and maybe eggs dropped. You dont need any of that.
Hatch day. Leave them alone. Chicks have been hatching on their own for forever. Yes some may not make it and yes I have helped sometimes but when youre new a lot of times you help chicks that dont need it and then they die. Or you open incubator to help one and shrink wrap many of the others.

Just because youre replacing a hen you dont need to be such a mother hen. You'll have plenty of time for that after the hatch.
To the OP.... relax
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