Help for my ducks safety

is it mean to do that? I was told ducks want to be outside. Is that not true? I get what your saying about keeping them safe and for a day or two would be fine but is it something they would be ok with more long term? I would be fine with them living indoors at night.
All 3 of my ducks go into the coop at night and get locked up with my chickens.
is it mean to do that? I was told ducks want to be outside. Is that not true? I get what your saying about keeping them safe and for a day or two would be fine but is it something they would be ok with more long term? I would be fine with them living indoors at night.

I'm totally late to replying but we have been out of town. As for being "mean" about being ducks inside..... Our evidence proves quite the opposite. I give you exhibits a-e


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Do not be fooled by their cute appearance, raccoons are poultry killing machines. If you don't cover your run completely electric wire along the top works, just check to make sure nothing else like tall grass/brush touches it to short it out.

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