Help For My Frizzle Cochin - Feather Issues

She started losing a few feathers and then it progressed to this. Thought maybe the Roo was being too hard on her so we removed her and she is in her own little house. Now it is to the point her wings are completely bare and she looks like Edward Scissor Hands. She is still laying and eating. I give her crumbles and meal worms and clover and wild strawberries. She went in the sun today and I took the pic. She seems to love laying in the sun and stretching her wings out. Please advise if you know what I should do. View attachment 1416265
I'm having the same problem I've had her for 6 months and it started about 3 months ago none of the other chickens are having problems . She getting sun burned I've put a saddle on her . I'm worried she looks rough . If it were some type of mite would it have affected others in the flock. I'm afraid both her parents were frizzled and she's always going to have problems since I don't know her history

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