Help!! Fox Attack. :(


In the Brooder
11 Years
Sep 17, 2008
Southern Maine
Yesterday a fox killed 1 hen and took 2 guineas and 2 hens. He left one wounded and she crawled under a space that we couldn't get her. I thought for sure she was dead. But today she is alive! She is bloody around her head but the hubby was able to get to her! He got her out, she was breathing shallow. He gave her some sugar water and put her in a cat carrier until I got home. So now what?!? I think if she was going to die, she would have. How do I clean her? I haven't inspected her yet, I don't want to hurt her, but know that she needs to be cleaned up and cared for. Help...Please.
Unfortunately, she could still die from the shock and trauma, so you're doing the right thing by putting her in a carrier and keeping her quiet and warm. Injured birds need to be kept warm. I think it would be good to put electrolytes in her water, instead of sugar, and make sure she is drinking.

You can clean the wounds with hydrogen peroxide. I wouldn't try to stitch the wounds because they've been open for a day. They could get infected and then not be able to drain.

I'm sure someone with more experience will be able to answer with more advice, but this will get you started.

Hope she does well.
My X husband, an X-professional foxhunter, tells me my chickens are safe except for certain times of the year when the parent foxes search for prey to take back to the brood. Perhaps you should determine when foxes are most active, and keep your flock locked up at those time of the year.

I thought the X said that hear in Virginia, there is a time in the Spring and Fall.

I have seen red foxes on this property for years, but none have come near my free-ranging chickens and ducks. I lock the chickens up at night, but the ducks have chosen the back patio as bed. The back patio has motion detector lights. I also have 4 cats and 2 dogs that come and go thru a doggy door and watch the birds relentlessly.

Check out the posts about Halloween lights folks have put on their coops. I think lights and noise (like a radio) deter those nighttime prowlers.
I'm in Orange, VA and I lost two hens (and a lot of sleep) to a huge red fox in May & June in broad daylight. It actually walked to within 20 feet of me and didn't run away until I shot at it. I was very upset. :-(
Oh no! I had a hen that survived a coyote attack....her feathers are just now growing back! She was amess...couldn't even use her left leg for over a week. Get her on Tylan 200 quickly! Depends on how much she weighs and it can be given orally. Predator bites are very dirty. First rinse with hydrogen peroxide then switch over to Iodine solution diluted with water to tea strength. It needs to be cleaned two to three times a day. Give the antibiotics for 10-14 days. If you're interested in pain management...let me know I Got this all from my poultry vet. Good luck with her.
I'm so sorry you had to endure this. We, too, have had a fox problem in Fredericksburg, VA this May and June. They have no shame and come out during the middle of the day. One time, she even came out when my daughters were out playing in the yard. We were figuring that it was a female bringing the chicken meal back to the den for her babies. We thought this mainly because she would drag the chickens and guineas, leaving a trail of feathers. We tried to follow the trail, but no luck. We also caught her on the hunting camera and she was quite skinny. If it were just her hunting, we would expect a much fatter fox since she got a total of 5 hens, one rooster and two gunieas. Now when we let our flock out, we play a loud radio to deter the fox. So far, it has worked. Nothing else has worked, as she is too wise to our traps. I hope that you don't have this happen again.

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