Help! Hatching egg question?


8 Years
May 16, 2011
I have a hatching egg that as been trying to work its way out for two days now. Last night it was making progress and then this am it had a yellow sticky substance around where it was pipping. I don't see anymovement now either and before it was moving a lot. Any ideas? I had another chick that has already hatched from this group of eggs.
I've had that yellow stuff. It will set up hard as a rock. That chick is not going to hatch on its own. I helped one like that once and it lived, but I've also lost them. If you are going to help it, now is the time.
Thank you for the information. I have to take the other chick out so I might take that egg out and try to help it. Not sure if its even still alive. It looked like it was earlier as I could see slight movement.
If it is alive and you don't help it, it will die. Moisten the area where the yellow ick is. I use a q-tip with a small dish of warm water. To keep the water warm I set the dish on a heating pad. It will take a while so you will have to be patient. The chick probably got stuck.

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