*****HELP HELP******Whats up with this chicken ?????????

So sad.

Lethargy can be so many things.
Weight loss could well have been worms.
When I had a hen suddenly present like that a year or two ago I had a vet look at her same day - blood work revealed results consistent with infection and/or inflammation. She was treated accordingly and bounced back right away and has been fine since.
That said, what your bird succumbed to may have been something else entirely.

boykin, please be careful about saying definitively what something is when you don't know. While totally well intended, it can send someone down the wrong path and cost a bird its life. It didn't happen in this case, because the OP knew the sick bird was not eggbound, but could happen if we're not very careful.

I would suspect Coccidiosis at this age. The fluffed up and lethargy are usually the last symptoms before death. If they were mine I would get the rest of the flock treated with Corid ASAP. Do you see any bloody stools?.
coccidiosis is what i was thinking also. had a chick get sick and act like this just this past spring and googled pics of chicks with coccidiosis, then figured that it could very well be that. so treated for coccidiosis and treated all of them so it did not spread and kill off a number of them. cleaned the area very well and got rid of the old bedding far away so as to not re-contaminate the little ones.
sorry you lost the little one. hope the rest of your flock is doing good.
Yes- coccidiosis is exactly right for that age and the number one symptom is fluffed-up lethargy.

Get some Corid as fast as you can, because when one has it, they all do. If they aren't on medicated feed, put them on it, but it won't TREAT what they have, but only help them with future resistance. Put them on Corid as fast as you can.

If you have to order it online, you can mix their feed 1/2 and 1/2 with powdered milk to buy some time- sounds weird, but old-timers swear by it.
I had Cocci hit a group of my young birds last year. They looked just like that. I also had one with a respiratory infection that looked like that, weight loss, runny droppings, loss of appetite and hunched like that. If no one else is showing any signs at all then I would lean towards resp infection. If anyone else is showing symptoms then I would treat asap for cocci, I have also seen it suggested that you give antibiotics during cocci treatment in case of secondary infection. Cocci hits fast and even if you know what it is they still may not make it. I hope everyone else is healthy.
I am so sorry for your loss!

I am putting another STRONG vote in for Cocci. I lost a girl to it about 3 months ago. Treat the remainder of your flock for it NOW! They get it from little buggers in the dirt/compost. If one of them had/has it, it is very likely that others do as well.

Look up "cocci, treating" on this site and you should find some guidance on what to do.

I bought powder for Cocci in cattle from Fleet Farm.

Because I have Bantams I put only 1/2 tsp per 1 gallon of water for 5 days. Two of my Bantams perked up after the treatment and their faces went back to a beautiful red color, so I'm sure they had it as well.

I am currently treating them again for it because one of my girls has really runny poop and has had a pink face for several weeks. It is scaring the crap outta me!

Good luck with the remainder of your flock! Again, I am so sorry you had to go through this. It is miserable.

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