Help! Hen has a prolapsed vent! *graphic pics*


12 Years
Jun 18, 2008
She has a red blob coming out of her vent and she is trying to poosh it out but it wont budge. What can i do to help her?
I will post pics in a minute..
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It looks like a prolapse to me too. What you need to do is put her in the dark. Get a box only slightly larger than she is and pad it with rags or towels. Ever-so-gently push that red blob back into her. Coating it with olive oil first might help. Then turn her on her back and lay her in the box. Hopefully she will just stay there. Mine did. Leave her in the dark for at least three days. I can't remember now what I did for mine about eating and drinking. Perhaps someone else will come on here and fill in the details.... or, when my brain isn't so tired, I'll remember what else we did.

This is a serious situation. Can you change the subject line to read something about prolapse or re-post this under a new subject?? This needs to be tended to right away or you could lose your bird.

Good luck. I'll be praying for you.

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