May 16, 2015 #1 GrahamFam1 Hatching Mar 23, 2015 2 0 7 So our Americauna chicken is about 8 weeks old now and it crows every now and then. That made us 90% sure it was a rooster and we have to give it away. Here are some pictures please help, we don't want to give it away if it is a hen.
So our Americauna chicken is about 8 weeks old now and it crows every now and then. That made us 90% sure it was a rooster and we have to give it away. Here are some pictures please help, we don't want to give it away if it is a hen.
May 16, 2015 #2 ChickRex Chirping 5 Years May 15, 2015 29 2 74 Looks like a rooster to me because of the 3 distinct rows on the pea comb but I'm inexperienced so wait for someone else to chime in.
Looks like a rooster to me because of the 3 distinct rows on the pea comb but I'm inexperienced so wait for someone else to chime in.
May 16, 2015 #4 Michael OShay Crowing 5 Years May 14, 2014 25,581 2,532 438 Montana Definitely a cockerel. Sorry. (