Help! Hen sleepy or lethargic?

Riverbend Farms

Apr 21, 2022
My black sex link hen who is about 7-9 months old acted sleepy yesterday. Her comb has always been darker and slightly flopped. She just kind of stood and slept, she was not in penguin pose like an egg bound hen and she could walk perfectly well. I got her alert in the afternoon for the rest of the day. We will see how she is today. She has done this before and been fine. So do you think she is sick or just had a sleepy day? We also have had an EXTREME tempature change. From 116 to 80 to 92 in a few weeks. We think she was just sleepy because she had no trouble with anything, just not really alert. And yes, she has been laying eggs. So is she just sleepy or sick?
Do you have multiple waterers spread around the coop, run, yard? She might be dehydrated. I would offer water, maybe some electrolytes and watch her drink. Adding a lot of water to a small pan of chicken feed will get more fluids into her.
What does her poop look like. Feel her crop early morning before she eats and drinks to see if it is emptying overnight. Has she laid eggs recently?
Some chickens are more meek or lower in the pecking order, and may not help themselves. I also place shallow pans or pig pans of shaded water around for them to stand in to cool their legs. They do of course drink out of them too, but that is okay. Your girl may be sick, but I would check her out and watch her closely. Look her over for lice and mites on her skin. If she is waking up and becoming more active later in the day, that is good.
Have you had a mite problem before? I would check for them, but I don’t treat unless I see signs. Some mites stay on them, while some only come on them at night. Permethrin garden dust or spray from a feed store will treat lice and mites. Mites are treated at 7 day intervals 2-3 times, but the coop also needs to be treated and bedding removed.

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