Help!!!! Hen Staggering! Acts Drunk! R.I.P


10 Years
Jul 4, 2009
Help..... I just bought a pair of nice SQ silkies and the hen was staggering when I got her. i kept her away from my other silkies because she was new. I now have her in the house to try to get her better. I have given her poly vi sol vitamins w/o iron. I had to give her a bath she had poultry lice all over her. Then I dusted her with seven dust. So the lice are gone. She is eating and drinking fine. But she is still staggering. What could cause this?

Thanks for your help
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Please help...... I don't want her to die on me. what could she have, or what can I do to help her.
I dont know..sorry. Did she eay any thing that could be bad/posion? Maybe she was just weak from the lice?? Keep her warm and give her electrolytes..and make her special food. Scrambled eggs..warm oat meal with scratch...
She seems to be eating okay and drinking fine. she is cooing. But she is still staggering to one side. She didn't get into any poison. I bought her and a roo at the mount hope auction they were a pair. The roo is fine but I did treat him for poultry lice also. then I went on and treated all of my poultry for lice just in case. She came to me with a bad case of lice. I did not have her near any of my poultry and still don't I have her in the house so that I may monitor her. I tried to get her to eat a scrammbled egg but she wouldn't touch it. So I threw in some little pieces of carrot. Not sure if she ate any of it. Do you think that having so many lice could have made her stagger.
If she's vaulted, she could have a head injury causing neurological symptoms. Not much you can do, but continue vitamins and monitor. Hoping she pulls through for you.
I'm not sure if she is vaulted. She has such a big poof on her head I can't tell. She's not even 6 months yet. I am gonna say she is probably 5 months maybe 4 months old. If that helps
As long as she is not going DOWnhill, there's always a chance she will go UPhill. Supportive nursing care and time may be all she needs. Water, sugar for energy, electrolytes, low stress.
Good luck!
okay, thats what I've been kinda trying to do. I just took her outside for a little bit and changed her cage. I also dusted her again to make sure the lice was gone. I didn't see any on her but I wanted to make sure just in case more hatched. She ate a whole scrambled egg for me today. She don't seem to be going down hill. Someone told me to give her some baytril what do you guys think.
I'm not in favor of using antibiotics unless there is a diagnosis to go with it. Is there a certain disease your friend has in mind?

Staggering could indicate weakness ( ? from the lice maybe) or a temporary or permanent neurological disorder. I'm not familiar enough with chicken disorders to even guess, but supportive care and time will tell....

I just found out what a vaulted skull is... it certainly makes sense now that this could easily be neurological. In people, any kind of brain trauma causes swelling which causes the symptoms. If she had a mild trauma to the head/brain it could all go away in a few days -- maybe longer--but is likely to completely resolve. Keep her very cool.
Please keep us posted-- thanks.

Since my husband just recently had a massive stroke followed by 2 hemorrhages, I've had lots of experience with brain swelling. Also I am a nurse. If he were "vaulted" they may not have had to take out a big piece of his skull to let the brain swell. The swelling was bad for 2 months.

...I've edited this post 3 times now. I see where the Baytril idea may have come from. Here's a link:
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I don't think she has trauma injury. I am not in favor of giving antibiotics either. She is doing better. She is responding better and a little more active. I am gonna keep her inside for a few more days and keep babying her and nursing her to health. I will keep you posted.


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