HELP! Hen suddenly sick and injured *UPDATE* 3/15

Thanks, I skimmed over this whole thread. Uh oh, sure sounds similar. If she is laying internally instead of being eggbound, I guess that would explain why I can't feel any formed eggs in her.
She is exactly the same. No changes in behavior in 4 days, just sits in her box and eats/drinks/poops normally.

The weather here is gorgeous today so I took poor Barbara outside for some fresh air and sunshine. When I picked her up I noticed that her belly feels bigger and tighter than it did 5 days ago. She is still eating, drinking, and pooping... perfect looking chicken poops! Interestingly though, I have not seen or smelled a cecal poop since she has been in the house.

Anyway, when I put her down on the grass she stood in an almost normal position, but kept her tail down. She keeps her feet in a pigeon toed position all the time now. She took a few steps, got maybe a foot, and couldn't go any further. She put her wings out for balance and slowly settled down on the ground. I sat on the ground with her between my legs and fed her little pieces of the new grass and clover that is coming up. She seemed to enjoy her treats, the sun, and me petting her... she kept closing her eyes like she wanted to nap, but there were too many noises out there for her to actually go to sleep.

She doesn't show any signs of being in pain. What in the world is wrong with her?
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Barbara, day 6...

ALWAYS leans against the side of the box. If she isn't in a corner, she'll use her wings to steady herself.

Is usually propped up in a corner of the box.

Her scabbed over, damaged comb.
Color still looks good though, right?

A fresh poop... normal?

It's raining here today but is supposed to be sunny and 60 tomorrow. Should I keep her in the house again tomorrow, or would it be better to put her inside the chicken tractor, which is inside the run, so she can get some fresh air/sun and be with, but protected from, the flock?
I wish I had something to offer you other than Good Luck.

My gut feeling is that if an animal is eating and drinking happily then there is a good chance for recovery, but she obviously needs to get back on her feet!

Good luck and we are wings crossed here for you.
Hi i have lost 3 Barred rocks they looked just like yours mine had coccidiosis and mites really bad heres what I did I dipped them gave them sulmet and aueromycin for ten days I dont know if this is your problem are there yellow crusty skin under her wings if so do like I did
I posted here a few weeks ago with the same symptoms for my 10 mo. Brahma. Her abdomen was huge, veins stretched, and very taunt. She sat penquin like too and wasn't moving much. I live in Oregon and it's been wet and she was just laying in a corner on the ground. I removed her from the flock, kept her in our shop in a dog crate and a dog playpen with a 100 watt bulb for her. I tried multiple baths, mineral oil in vent, blow drying her abdomen and vent along with massage, vitamins, yogurt, oatmeal, terramycin, etc, felt for eggs, never felt one, nor did she ever lay one while in the shop. Well after about 5 days, still no change, still very swollen, not eating as well, poops were getting less, and she just stayed in the crate most of the time.

So, I got desparate thinking I was going to have to cull her, so I gave her mineral oil, about 3 ml. orally with a syringe tip, slowly and made sure she got it down right. She then started pooping like crazy, actually a little runny but still a good color. I then wormed her with Piperzine as well as the rest of the flock. I never saw worms, poop looked normal before I did all of this but I was at my wits end. After the mineral oil and worming, and two days of oatmeal and yogurt along with her Purina Layena, she got firmer poops and her abdomen went down and actually was "flacid". She was now moving around more, tail up and looking much better. I kept her in our shop by herself, till I found her on top of the cage about 8 days from the first time finding her to trying to fly~ girl was ready to go back to her flock!.

So if your hen isn't getting any better, you might want to try some mineral oil and/or worming. Hope she gets better soon.

Skye Bleu
Western Oregon
Thanks, y'all. She is no better. In fact, I think she is getting worse. Even though her abdomen is huge and she is eating her keel bone is sticking out horribly. I noticed yesterday that she closes her eyes a lot more when I'm in the room with her. I'll look for signs of mites and try the mineral oil/worming... don't have much to lose at this point.

Has anyone ever successfully wormed their chickens with garlic?
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