Help! Hens mounting my little hens!


8 Years
Apr 29, 2011
Ok, I tried on the 'chicken behaviours thread', but got no response, I'm relying on you, the regulars of this thread.

I have three big hens, two little hens, and one bantam rooster.

Whenever I let the big hens near the little hens, they mount them just like the rooster does. It's awful, one of my girls got a bleeding comb this morning.

Why are the big girls doing this? Why has the introduction of a rooster created this new dominance behaviour?

I guess I just have to keep them all seperated.
I dunno why your big girls are bullying the little ones, maybe they are to young or the big girls are saying “stay away from our roo”! Either way you may need to seprate them. Sending prayers your way that things get better!
Thanks! I just feel bad for the little ones, because they get penned up while the mean big ones get to free range.
It's just so weird that now we've got a rooster the big hens copy his mating behaviour on the little hens!
that is strange. Is it possible for you to maybe let the lil girls out in the morning and then put big girls out in the evening? Or something like that so the little ones can free range to. How old are the lil girls?
I agree, need to keep them seperated for a bit longer. It's a display of dominance and the little ones will get hurt if not worse, killed. When they get a little older, they will be able to hold their own against the veterans. Good luck with your babies
Unfortunately the little ones are adult bantams, so they won't get any bigger. Oh well, sounds like seperation is they only way to go. Yeah, I get worried they will get killed. Chickens can be so nasty!

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