Help! How do I integrate my bantam flock with my big girls?


In the Brooder
6 Years
Mar 29, 2013
I have 2 existing flocks of chickens. I have 4 bantam hens, approximately 5 months old, that have their own small coop and run. I would like to integrate them in to the big coop with my other 16 large fowl hens. They are all a year old or less. All of the chickens have free ranged together in my back yard several times a week with no major problems. I'm worried that they may gang up on the little girls if in the coop and run together. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to safely do this?
They may already be integrated enough, if they can free range together. Is there any way you can combine the two areas, so they can go where they want? Also, you may fnd the bantams will go in the coop but not on the roost at first. Sounds like you are letting them work it out already. Good luck!
Thanks for the reply! Do you think I'll need to put some lower roosts for them in the coop? Maybe in a different area? And do you think they'll share the nest boxes ok? I have seen people put banty sized boxes near the floor just for them. I just worry about them getting bullied, they are pretty docile. I want to integrate because I dont like my little coop all that well. The big coop is much nicer. One coop to clean and maintain would be nice too. :) I'm also concerned that when I add my silkie chicks that are 2 weeks old down the road that the smaller coop may not be big enough.
Hello! I'll be encountering your same problem in a few months, since I'm getting cochin bantams and silkies and don't have another coop! Maybe what I've found through research can be of help to you. :D A lot of people say to integrate your flock at night, while the hens are asleep. Another thing is to keep the new chickens in a dog crate (or something along those lines) inside the coop, so the chicks are safe while the older hens investigate! That way, there'll [hopefully] be less bullying when they run together.

Hope this helped in any way! Let us know how it goes :D
Yes, when I integrated my three bantams in with my big girls I had separate roosts for them placed higher as mine were very good fliers. Additionally I had a different water container and food platter for them on a small level above the ground and they also lived in a small mesh cage inside the coop for several days before I began to integrate. This way they could all see each other and become familiar faces. When I actually tried to integrate them I would always start by free ranging and handfeeding with a treat like corn. I think this is the best way because if there is any fighting you can pull them off. Then they would go into the run together, more confined in space but with plenty of places they could run or fly, and I would observe. If all went well, they would stay in the coop with the others and I would show the bantams where their separate level and perch was. Hope this helps!
Update-I ended up building a new coop just for my banties. The main reason for this is because my 4 little girls free ranged in my backyard all day everyday and the big girls started staying in the run because they were causing too much damage in my yard. They transitioned to the new coop pretty well but did not like staying in the run all day. I couldn't figure out how to easily let only the littles out so a new coop seemedto be the answer. And where would they lay tbeir eggs?? It has worked out great! So glad I did it this way.

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