Help, I am turning into "crazy chicken lady". . .


6 chooks, 1 slave. . . me!
10 Years
Jun 12, 2009
Last night I brought my 2 favorite pullets in the house to eat grapes and watch TV with me! I think I need a Doctor!
seeking feedback from other chicken lovers as to just how crazy this is? I can tell you for sure that the dog was ticked off!
seeking feedback from other chicken lovers as to just how crazy this is? I can tell you for sure that the dog was ticked off!

I was just kidding. It seems like a perfectly wonderful way to spend an evening to me, but that's because I'm one of you too! (ie crazy chicken ladies)

Edited to add that you should tell your dog to get his own grapes.

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seeking feedback from other chicken lovers as to just how crazy this is? I can tell you for sure that the dog was ticked off!

I was just kidding. It seems like a perfectly wonderful way to spend an evening to me, but that's because I'm one of you too! (ie crazy chicken ladies)

Edited to add that you should tell your dog to get his own grapes.


the DD (Dear Dog) keeps hinting that he needs a way to open the refrigerator, so that he can help himself to snacks, but although he likes grapes, he was concerned that the chickens were taking his place in my affections!
Honestly, I enjoy the company of my 'gals' sometimes more then the company of my other family members
You're perfectly fine!
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sounds fine to me, and I find going out to the run very relaxing after work.

Please don't give your dogs grapes/raisins though they are toxic to dogs.

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