Help!!! I don't want to slauther my hens b/c I'm too inexperienced to recognize the difference


In the Brooder
6 Years
Feb 1, 2013
Mountain Home, Arkansas
Can you help make sure these are roosters before we harvest them for meat.

They are roughly 16-18 weeks. All mix breeds. We have several kinds of hens at our place-- RIR, Buffs, Minoras, Black Giants, Salmon Favoralles, Russian Orloffs, Domiineckers, and white Leghorns--as far as the daddy-- white EE, Leghorn, and Buff.

I know I may have given you wayyyy to much info to determine the sex, but I just wanted to give you some idea of what you may be looking at.

Most of ya'll are experts--how long raising chickens before I can see it myself?

thanks so much

I can't see some of the pics clearly enough to trust my judgement, but here are my best guesses for who is a rooster: top pic, the one on the right, maybe the one in the middle
Second pic down: can't tell
3rd pic down: rooster
4th pic down: hen
5th pic down: rooster
6th pic down: rooster

These are simply guesses, nothing more. Best to have someone who knows see them in person.
all roosters. thier pointed saddle(back) and hackle(neck) feathers are coming in. Any bird with those are roosters. They usually come in 3-4 months old. Roosters also usually have larger, redder combs, but if you have a lot of roosters together, some of the less dominate ones wont mature as fast, but they will still get the pointed feathers.

here are some saddle feathers on a 4-5 month old game cockeral
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