HELP! I got a prank call at almost midnight!


12 Years
Jun 19, 2007
N.E. Oklahoma
I HATE prank calls! :mad: I don't know anyone who likes them. So I was wandering if any of you all know how to reverse and cell phone number for free? I hate to pay $15-$50 for a one time use to find out who this freak is! Just thought I would ask.

That's why I like caller ID. I had some dumb kids prank call me once... I called them back and talked to their parents who answered. They were like why are you calling so late. I was like, why are your kids calling me so late with irate comments? They said they would take care of it. Sucker kids.
My Grama was getting them a while back. They suggested some things to her, to which she replied after about the third time, "Sonny, if you could see this wrinkled old body, you would run screaming into the night". She has never gotten another one.
Oh, just call them back! That's what I'd do. Or you can try, long shot, to go to google and just type in the cell number. Often it comes up :p. Or, you can give me their number and I will call them hahahaha!!!
OMG I would totally call them. Do you have a blog? Post their number on it!

Or just give it to me!
I would wait until the next day and call them back on another phone if possible.

I kept getting a call from a lady looking for someone else and she never would get through her head that person wasn't at that number. My DH told me to call the number back. It was a credit place and the woman ended up telling me to quit calling her. I only called her once.

It’s been a while since I did this but,
I had a creditor that kept calling for someone who doesn’t live here and they refused to stop calling.
I called the phone company and started tracking procedure on them.
If they had called one more time they woulda been charged with harassment.
I haven’t heard from them in a long time.
OMG I would totally call them. Do you have a blog? Post their number on it!

Or just give it to me!

YEAH! We can call who ever it is! As soon as your done bothering them I can call! They'll shut their phone of in no time! I'll use a new campus phone every time!
:eek: If you KNOW it's them again..............blow a whistle into the phone...........that stopped the idiots doing it to me a while back,,,,but you must know its them or someone you love will get very irritated and deaf for a bit

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