Help! I need input on breeds and roosters!


Mar 14, 2015
Southeast PA
My Coop
My Coop
So, here I am, with a mixed up flock...4 EE's, 1 SLW, 2 D'Uccles (Mille Fleur)

and 23 chicks, cochin, speckled sussex, GLW, Brown Leghorn, Australorp...

We are not keeping all these chicks. they are slamming healthy and will be for sale.

Problem: I need want a rooster and would like to raise natural chicks here and there would be nice if there they were full bred, pet quality. I probably can not have more than one rooster.

So I have to decide, what kind I would like, and of course hens for him.

I can not decide on a breed!!!

There are too many!

I can rule out many...I like the unusual, rare and beautiful. I have kids so shoulldn't be a known for aggressiveness breed.

I like beard and pants. But not a dealbreaker.

Thoughts and Suggestions?
Hey Thanks!!!


Cream Legbars



or something classic rooster look, like a brown leghorn?

***Unless there is a breed that has these things I personally really like the look of.

-Beards AND feathered legs. (The D'Uccles do, but they are really little)

-Pea Comb

-Vulture Hocks
I think there are only 2 breeds that are supposed to have these)
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Ameracauna: Gentle, sweet, have their own funky personalities, lay Blue eggs, and lay all through winter, have muffs, and come in many colors, winter hardy, good children's pet.

Cream Legbar: I am not familiar with this breed but I looked up some info and this is what I think. They have a crest, singe comb, lays olive colored or blue eggs, ancestors were ameracaunas. They are friendly, easy to handle, you can tell they're sex as soon as they hatch (males have a light spot on their head females do not. Which is great for hatching at home) good layers. And looking at pictures I'm thinking they would be heat hardy. They like to free range and are good at avoiding predators.

Okay this post is getting a little long so I will do the rest in another post.
Brahmas: I have 4 Buff Brahma bantams. I have a roo that is two that was straight run and now I have 3 girls that are 9 months. I hope to breed them. My Roo has never attacked anyone (Unlike our Silver Spangled Hamburg Roo) and he is quite nice to the hens. They are round birds and are friendly, they lay light brown eggs and are especially cold hardy.

Wyandottes: hens lay very good through the the year light brown eggs, cold hardy, (one of my hens is very bossy to the other girls)( will follow me around until I give them cracked corn. Come in different colors. Relatively freindly.

But you should wait until they're older to decide, it takes a while to figure out which chicks are the freindliest. I had a chick that was pecking at you when your hand was near and run around to get away. She would stand up to you and peck your hand, we thought she was a rooster so we were going to give her away. Well we kept her and now she is the freindliest of them all, comes when you call, and doesn't peck you( unless your feeding them to your hand) she is a Buff Brahma Bantam.

I like bantams better that large fowl because they are smaller and easier to hold. The only down side to them is they don't lay big eggs. If you have chickens for eggs, get standard size, if you want them for pets, get bantams, if you want to have both in a flock together I would suggest having more bantams so not so many get pecked on.
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I think you said you had Mille Fleurs D'Uccles

Australorps are the best breed ever. They have the most beautiful face, they are great layers of big brown eggs. Heat and cold hardy, super smart, I had one named Violet, she was the best. Now I am just trying to find a place that sells bantams. They make good pets.

Mille Fluers are cute, pretty, little birds, they lay small light tinted eggs. They are super sweet and freindly and make good pets.

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