HELP... I need instructions on how to use dehydrator


Premium Feather Member
11 Years
Mar 25, 2008
My sister is headed out of town to the beach and let me use her dehydrator last minute. Well, there aren't any instructions in the box.
I've never used one before and am completely clueless as to how to work this thing, the time it takes, etc... It is a Snackmaster jr. I'm certain it is fairly simple, I am just don't know how long to dehydrate the apples for. I also would like to know if the racks are dishwasher safe. I don't think it was washed from the last time it was used and then it was stored in the attic, so YUCK!
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I hope this is the correct place for this to go, mods. If not please feel free to move it!
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it depends on what you are putting in it, meats you need heat in the oven for 10 or less to bring them above 100degrees the dehydrator will keep it there. fruits and veg season the way you want throw them in turn on.

oh apples
5-6 hours
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They are pretty much all the same in my experience. Lay the apples on the racks in a single layer. Plug it in and walk away. It can take a couple days for apple slices to dry out.
Okay! Here's some stupid questions for you all now! Do I need to peel the apples or leave the peel on? Is there something I need to put on the apples before dehydrating them? See! I'm completely clueless.
My kids and I used to slice the apples, shake them in the jello mix and dehydrate them, you get all kinds off colors and my kids loved them
You will also want to rotate the trays (the top to the bottom) after half your drying time to keep things evenly dehydrating.
lesliet - Dusting the apples with jello first sounds yummy!
Thanks for that idea. We'll have to dry some that way.

MissPrissy - Okay, so I'm looking at about 3 days to dehydrate the apples then. I will switch the trays around after a day and a half, right? Do you know if I can put these darn racks in the dishwasher? It's taking me FOREVER to scrub these things.
You should be able to dry them in 12 - 36 hours. Depends on how thick you cut them. I have never used a snackmaster but from what I understand that model has good air flow.
I finally went online to Nesco's site (company who makes Sanckmaster) and found the instruction book for it!
I should be good to go now! Thank you all for your help and ideas. I'm going to pop these dehydrating racks in the dishwasher and get started. Thanks again!

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