HELP I NEED SOME HELP!!!!!!!! its something for a school project!!!!!!


10 Years
Jun 5, 2009
OK. my assignment is to find a scientist /inventor and provide/present information that way. well since im in love with chickens(not in the weird way) but you know what i mean; i would like to know who made the first chicken. i don't think anyone else in my class would come up with something like that but i need some help very quickly. its due on Fri. and i haven't started. PLEASE HELP ME!!! IMMEDIATELY !!!
when did you get this assignment??? and no one made or invented a chicken they were wild birds here probably before we were although dont quote me on that.
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Nobody (well, no human, depending on your religious strength) "made" chickens. Chickens are descended from Asian jungle fowl. You'd probably be better off writing about Marie Curie or something.

And as I'm sure you've found out: never, EVER a good idea to put something off like this!
Maybe you could write about a famous chicken breeder.
You think that would count?
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im going with the last idea. thanks chickenmum. well the assignment was giving to me last friday. so i havent put it off like i have many of my other assignments(most done the nite before) so not lots of effort
but at least im getting started now.
I don't agree with the arguement that chickens just exist. They were developed by humans from genetic selection over thousands of years and are possibly a hybrid.

Chickens did decend from wild jungle fowl. There is some debate on with one red or green. Initially, it was assumed that they originated from red jungle fowl. Now, they are not sure. They have characterisitcs of both red and green. They maybe a hybrid that only exists in captivity.

They may not been made, but they were developed. It is believed now that the domestication of chickens began around 10,000 years ago in Vietnem. Prior to this, it was assumed that they were developed in India around 3000 years ago. That makes them one of the oldest domesticated animals.

Ironically, the development and intial popularity of chickens were not based on egg or meat production, but cockfighting. There are cockfighting pits in Britian that go all the way back to Julius Ceasar's time - about 2000 years ago.

As a side note, domesticated animals are not exact copies of their wild relatives. Dogs have about a 2 percent genetic variation from wolves. Chickens probably have more of a variation. They have been genetically modified over thousands of years, selected by humans for certain traits.

You can do a project on the development of chickens as a domesticated animal. Or you can do a project on the devlopment of modern chicken breeds. You investigate how this relates to the changes in agriculture and the shift from fighting to showing chickens in the Victorian Era.

You should be able to get a lot of information on this at your local library. A reference librarian should be very helpful.

Good Luck
What about someone that invented a chicken breed, there is one breed created in the states by a woman, and i'm drawing a compleat blank on which one, I think its the buckeye?
the only breed created by a woman
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I do not know what grade you are in, nor how much time you have left or if you still have a need for suggestions, but mine would to be to write about how the lowly chicken is the most researched animal on the planet :
The chicken was chosen to be the first for complete genome sequence and continues to be a pivotal model for genome research:
(excerpt) "...Chicken eggs are plentiful, inexpensive and extraordinarily convenient. Large numbers of eggs can be incubated at one time to obtain embryos at precise stages of development. Chick embryos are much cheaper to maintain and study than mouse embryos. Most institutes' facilities for maintaining and growing transgenic mice are already inadequate, and it is inevitable that this shortage of space will become more severe, even if funding is diverted into expanded infrastructure.

The chick represent the model system which most resembles other higher vertebrates while still permitting experimental intervention in ovo. As such it represents an important complement to mouse model systems....."

>>>avian nutritional research

>>>Importance of chickens in cancer research
(Using the Domestic Hen as a Model for Studying Ovarian Cancer)
excerpt: "...Why is the domestic hen a good model for human ovarian cancer?
Most animals do not spontaneously develop ovarian cancer and this has made the study of the tumors difficult.... Generally, among domestic animals, the desired state is pregnancy and/or lactation and most wild animals are pregnant, lactating or seasonally sexually inactive. These physiological states are not associated with frequent ovulation or ovarian cancer. The one model that does exhibit ovarian cancer with a high incidence is the domestic hen ..."
(Chicken Antibodies To Help Detect HER2 Breast Cancer)
(the chicken is one of the few animals where spontaneous ovarian cancer occurs and is therefore an invaluable model in cancer research)

>>>and as far as descending from the jungle fowl, latest word on that is not so blck and white:
Darwin Was Wrong About Wild Origin Of The Chicken, New Research Shows [ScienceDaily 2008-02-29]
"....It is most likely the case that the grey jungle fowl was crossed with an early form of the domesticated chicken. The genes for yellow skin are spread among billions of domesticated chickens around the world. Darwin's studies of domesticated animals were of key importance to his theory of evolution, and he also explained the wild origins of domesticated animals.

"What's ironic is that Darwin thought that more than one wild species had contributed to the development of the dog, but that the chicken came from only one wild species, the red jungle fowl. Now it turns out that it's just the opposite way around," says Greger Larson, a researcher at Uppsala University and Durham University in England.
...."Our study is a clear example of the importance of regulatory mutations in the course of evolution. What we don't know is why humans bred this characteristic. Maybe chickens with bright yellow legs were seen as being healthier or more fertile than other chickens, or were we simply charmed by their distinct appearance?" wonders Professor Leif Andersson, who directed the project.

The scientists believe that the same gene may well be of significance in explaining the pink color of the flamingo, the yellow leg color of many birds of prey, and the reddish meat of the salmon. These characteristics are all caused by carotenoids. The gene may also influence the skin color of humans to some extent. "
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