Help. I tried posting this on the GLW thread, but got no response.

That's too bad, I wish I was closer she's probably fit in here, but you would have to put her on a barge across lake Michigan. There are certain breeds that don't seem to get along in smaller setup, or run confinement, some breeds just are too mentally busy and need to burn off steam. Roosters can help too as the hens are busy trying to run from them. Wishing you luck at finding a good solution.
I wish some one would have mentioned that in the breed comments. I thought I had researched well on my breeds. She is a nice girl other than this very troubling habit. She laid an egg today even in her "purgatory" of a dog kennel.
Sorry, that's sad, I personally have never had a problem with them, but mine are free range in a large shed so I never knew about it myself, I also read it about RIR, but once again mine are fine. The source of your birds can matter too as far as what the breeding birds are being chosen for, with a breed like SLW people want correct coloring, and good egg laying first, I think personality gets left out sometimes.
I too wish there were some mentioning in the breed descriptions about certain behavior issues that can happen.

What a discouraging thing to go through. I know it first hand as well. My ole meanie is still with us but is housed with others that have behavior issues. I call it the mean end of the coop.

In your situation (confined space) I would not suggest Hamburgs either. They are very flighty and either end up picked on or mean as heck. Pretty yes but not good for confined cooping. Mine mellowed out a lot when I expanded to a huge coop and run set up.

Leghorn and Rhode Island Reds are said to have issues as well. My Leghorns have been very dominant in the flock or on the extreme bottom depending on the individual bird.

You can always ask people here if this breed or that breed is ok for confinement. Most people will share their experiences readily.
I know it does not help right now but may in the future.

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