Help ID these ducks


6 Years
Mar 27, 2013
At the mill pond today, I saw a lot of really pretty ducks. I never had ducks so I have no idea what breed they are and I was hoping some of you could help me figure out what these guys are? I plan on getting ducks sometime in the future, and I would like to get some of whatever these guys are.

Photo 1 I really like the one on the right :)

Photo 2 I also thought the white colored one in the middle with the dark bill was really pretty

Photo 3 The black duck in the middle also, this is the closest this one would get and I really liked this one too. It was a lot smaller than the first pictures ones.

Photo 4 Lastly this one on the left

Any guesses?
Thanks for taking the time to answer! I searched those breeds and they look like the ducks I saw today. :) I'm thinking someone must've released them there...definitely not michigan ducks haha
Lovely ducks. Are there people in your are who rescue dumped domestics? That would make a big difference in the likelihood of them surviving.
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Not that I know of. This is the millpond that is a few towns over. If I had adequate means as of right now I would take them, because they are beautiful ducks but I do not. The animal shelter in my town though occasionally takes in chickens and I will probably put a call in to see if they know any places that will take them. I would hate to see anything happen to them.
The one on the right in the first picture could either be a magpie or Ancona. It is really hard to tell from the picture but both breeds are beautiful.
At the mill pond today, I saw a lot of really pretty ducks. I never had ducks so I have no idea what breed they are and I was hoping some of you could help me figure out what these guys are? I plan on getting ducks sometime in the future, and I would like to get some of whatever these guys are.

Photo 1 I really like the one on the right
The duck on the right could just be a mix, I haven't seen a Magpie or Ancona with that much white in its plumage.
They all look like mixes to me except one looks like a fawn and white Indian runner. The white duck with the dark bill might be a a runner, too.

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