Help identifying my ducks please.

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lol Bless her heart. If you have any drakes though it's really best once the ducks are breeding age to keep drakes away from chicken hens because they may try and breed with them and they are not anatomically made to mate. It can be a death sentence for a hen.
lol Bless her heart. If you have any drakes though it's really best once the ducks are breeding age to keep drakes away from chicken hens because they may try and breed with them and they are not anatomically made to mate. It can be a death sentence for a hen.

Thank you for the advice. We lost our 2 drakes. 4th of July we woke up to a massacre. 5 out of 7 ducks got killed or were left for dead and died later. Very upsetting. They were about a month old. How the 2 that remained survived is a mystery. But our girls took to the new babies no problem. It was like they hatched them.
I’d also wrap the entire kennel in hardware cloth. 1/4” because if like mine they love to lay up against the fencing and raccoons are notorious for reaching in and trying to pull a duck through fencing. Be sure to secure the netting down real close so nothing can climb under.
I’d also wrap the entire kennel in hardware cloth. 1/4” because if like mine they love to lay up against the fencing and raccoons are notorious for reaching in and trying to pull a duck through fencing. Be sure to secure the netting down real close so nothing can climb under.

We wrapped the bottom with chicken wire and secured everything with metal wire

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