Help Identifying what Chicken started Laying


10 Years
Feb 1, 2013
My Coop
My Coop

One or maybe more of my 6 month old chickens started laying. I think it is my Rhode Island Red but have never seen her laying. I also have:
1.- White Rock (x - white eggs)
2. - Easter Egger (x - colored eggs)
3.- Silver Laces Wyandotte
4.- Sapphire Gem
5.- Black Sex-Link (Black Star)
I see some slight variation in the color of the eggs. Do you think it is the RIR laying all of these?

Thank you and Happy Thanksgiving!!!


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I'd go check out the flock. Do you have a rooster? If not, check for this: when you walk above each of your hens, maybe have your hand stretched out above them, see which ones drop to the ground with their shoulders pointing out. That should tell you who is laying. The dropping hen should be laying. If all your hens are dropping, look closer. Some will be more willing to stay than others. Hens who are laying want roosters to mount them, so they will drop. If none drop, try it a few times, try reaching for them with one hand like you're going to catch them. (This is just a way to tell, but is not 100% accurate, this is just my own personal study.)
I'd go check out the flock. Do you have a rooster? If not, check for this: when you walk above each of your hens, maybe have your hand stretched out above them, see which ones drop to the ground with their shoulders pointing out. That should tell you who is laying. The dropping hen should be laying. If all your hens are dropping, look closer. Some will be more willing to stay than others. Hens who are laying want roosters to mount them, so they will drop. If none drop, try it a few times, try reaching for them with one hand like you're going to catch them. (This is just a way to tell, but is not 100% accurate, this is just my own personal study.)
The one that drops is the RIR. It didn’t use to do it.
The one that drops is the RIR. It didn’t use to do it.

I'd definitely say it's the RIR. Just looking at her comb says she's laying, plus you say that she's the one that drops. So she looks and sounds like the one that is laying. :)

Congratulations to the new layer! :clap It's always exciting for a hen to start laying. And by the looks of the RIR's large comb, I'd say that she's probably going to be a pretty good layer. (Again, this is my own personal study on the larger the hen's comb is, the better layer that they are. So, again, not 100% accurate.)
White Rock lay BROWN eggs, too. They are also early layers. If she has red ear lobes then she is a white rock. If she has white earlobes, then she is a leghorn and will lay white eggs. Just throwing that out there as another possible culprit. 😊

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