Help! Incubator temperature was to high.


5 Years
Mar 15, 2019
Garrett County, Maryland
Day one. I started the incubator with 42 eggs. I had something to do when I came home the temp. Was at 108. I was gone about 6 hrs. It was at 100.5 when I left. Will my eggs be ok?

They were only in the incubator for 6and a half to seven hours all together...
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The younger the embryo the more it can withstand but 108 is probably pushing the envelope.

Incubate for at least 10 days and then candle despite what the opinions are. You have nothing to lose except viable eggs if you dispose of them before giving them a chance. There is no way of knowing how long they were at 108 or how accurate your thermometer is.
The younger the embryo the more it can withstand but 108 is probably pushing the envelope.

Incubate for at least 10 days and then candle despite what the opinions are. You have nothing to lose except viable eggs if you dispose of them before giving them a chance. There is no way of knowing how long they were at 108 or how accurate your thermometer is.
That's what I was thinking. Thanks..
Mine is digital and is currently sitting on top of the eggs. (No room to lay it on the metal rack or turner.. ). It is new I just hatched 8 out of 13 (hatch day was Wednesday and everything was fine all 13 made it until the end. Three stopped around day 19 or 20, one on 20 or 21 and one other couldn’t get out of the shell and membrane.(I wasn’t home to assist). So thermometer should be good.
I left my incubator on the table and the sun moved and shone on it and the temp went up to maybe 106 while I was at work. I still had like 90% hatch rate.

Depends how hot they got inside I'm guessing.

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