HELP!!! Killing or Breeding?

Sorry couldn't help it....."But Earl had to die nah nah nah na naaaaa naaaa naaaa. "

:gig:gig ROTFL

Nice work!
I have been keeping them out in shifts but today I couldn't get one shift to go back in so they were all out for a little while. And that little sawed off shot gun almost killed my Cornish cross hen! When I went out I found her panting for dear life with her whole head RED covered in blood and part of her crest bit off. He was chasing and attacking her mercilessly.

When they go in to roost tonight, I am going to grab him by the head and swing him around by the neck. I will give him a grave in the backyard. But I do NOT want him in the gene pool here. He is too vicious. DH does not want me to bother him. But this one midget bird is terrorizing everybody and making a chaos of everything so he has to go.
I'm still laughing! it's just her name is "dixygirl" and "pixiechick" therefore dixiechick came to mind. It just came to me. Sorry I crack myself up sometimes!!!! Anyone want some black-eyed peas????

I'm glad someone else has my sick sense of humor!
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