Help--Lethargic 7 week old chick


12 Years
May 28, 2007
Hudson Valley, NY
Hi, I am new to the forum and to chickens. I'm not sure her breed, we got a mix of layers. She's just over 7 weeks. Yesterday I noticed she was keeping her feathers fluffed out and laying around in the sun (it was in the 80's, though the night had been pretty cool). Today she still had them out (mid 60's in the morning, and she was lethargic and let me catch her (which she never does) and then sat on my lap. We seperated her and put a lamp on her (though the lamp only got her to 70ish). The only thing she'd eat was some milk with garlic in it. She slept most of the day, still fluffed. She drank some water, but I'm not sure if she ate any of her food. She hasn't made any major poops, just a few tiny spots, but her vent is just fine. Then again, I'm not sure how much she's eaten other than the milk. Based on an earlier post I gave her 1/2 an eye dropper of olive oil (I have no mineral oil). Any ideas? Is it ok to give her more milk? A friend suggested antibiotics, but I can't get them or the mineral oil until after work tomorrow. All the other girls are just fine.

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It might help her energy level if you put some sugar in the water. I am not sure about the milk, I have never heard of that. If she isnt getting better then I would call a vet. Hope she recovers.
Chickens lack the enzyme lactase to process the lactose in milk so do not give her milk! (the lactose is worked out of yhogurt so it is the exception...let her have live culture yogurt as this is good for her gut flora). Was this bird on medicated starter (for against cocci) ??? Take a stool sample to the vet to look for worms and or cocci as this might be what is wrong with her (it is very common)
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Oh dear, I gave her some more milk this morning (with garlic and chick food). I only used the milk b/c I ran out of yogurt. I'll pick some up on my way home (as well as antibiotics). She is still lethargic, but drank all the milk and ate some of the garlic. And she did poop a little. She was on medicated feed until 2-3 weeks ago, but none of the others are sick at all and there have never been other chickens on my property. I heard molasses was better than sugar. Any opinion? Thanks for the suggestions!
proper bird vit/electrolytes (when the bird is not wanting to drink) is better than gatorade or sugar or molasses or such... mix a bit of cooked oatmeal in with the feed... they will often eat that better than the can also mix a scrambled egg through it too

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