Help, Limping Chicken

For anyone who's interested, Henny Penny has made a steady comeback. After two days in the isolation pen (infirmary), I put her back in the chicken yard with the rest of the flock and isolated her sister (Cocoa) for a few days since she was the only one attacking her, to see if the habit of attacking HP would stop. It didn't. I then noticed that after a few days of being back with the flock, I HP began attacking a few of the other hens, as a form of defense I am guessing. It's nothing they can't handle though.

Over the next 10 days things seem to be settling down. It's been nearly two weeks, her leg has improved though she still walks with a slight limp but overall has improved in every way. Her laying is steady (about every 2 days which was normal for her) and she is eating, drinking and scratching very consistently. She can even run and jumps to the roost with a lot more confidence!
She has also begun spending more time out in the chicken yard, when she originally spent most of the time in the hen house, where a couple of the other outcasted girls tend to hang out. I eventually returned Cocoa back to the chicken yard and though she still attacks HP, I noticed that it seems to be less and less, now that her leg as improved.

Meanwhile, on another more lighthearted note, the aggressive sister (Cocoa) who had laid her eggs while the isolation pen, seems to have gotten so used laying in there. I noticed she was pacing back and forth by the gate one day and couldn't understand why until I heard all this commotion on my porch, realizing she had escaped the chicken yard to returned to the pen to lay her egg! In fact, she's trying to do it again as we speak. It's quite funny. Chickens. You gotta love 'em.
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Thanks for giving an update.
Hooray for Henny Penny's recovery! I hope it continues to go well. It sounds like you did some effective management. Good luck with Cocoa's re-orientation, too

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