HELP!! Lonely Goose

What a lovely story, and thank you for updating us. You´re so caring in building her a little place for her to hide.
It still isn´t impossible that goose is a goose, as a couple of females can behave like a true pair, even doing the mating action. Or, of course, a true pair......Goose following behind sounds like it could be a male.
Now, if you do get eggs from them (assuming you know where they´ve nested) you can get the eggs for eating, maybe just leave 2 for her to sit on. Or not. If you can provide a little dog kennel or something filled with grass in a quiet corner, she may even choose to lay in there, then you´ll have control.
As for knocking on the boat at night, you can always train them to knock on something else to get food, and not feed them from the boat...they´re smart and will learn quickly that if they knock on the boat there´s no food, but if they tap on a drum/ca/tin etc on the bank that you´ll feed them in their special place. You can do it by going onto the bank in that special place and get them to tap the THING and immediately give them a little food, then do it training dogs...even pigeons and chickens can be trained like this. They should cotton on, though it could take just a little while for them to un-learn the boat-bashing thing...
Later on you could take the tin away if you wanted, once the attention is diverted.
Looking forward to pics..
When are they likely to lay eggs. But i couldn't take any from them. The more the merrier for us. ;)
I will try and sort more pics out soon very busy at the moment. But to keep you all informed for now everything is goiing fine with goose and girlie, she has now learned how to deal with the ducks and can fend for herself quite well but she is never too far away from goose. Goose can still be quite rough with her when food is involved from the boat but i think that is just a jealousy thing as he has been coming here for years. Thanks all.
You have done a great job with the new goose and building a pen for it was great. So glad everything is finally working out for the new goose. I know we all will be waiting to see more pictures of the happy couple.....
I will try and sort more pics out soon very busy at the moment. But to keep you all informed for now everything is goiing fine with goose and girlie, she has now learned how to deal with the ducks and can fend for herself quite well but she is never too far away from goose. Goose can still be quite rough with her when food is involved from the boat but i think that is just a jealousy thing as he has been coming here for years. Thanks all.
Thanks for the up-date, I was wondering how everthing was going...very nice.
It's been 5 months now and the happy couple are still going strong and hopefully getting ready to start having a family together. When are the goslings likely to hatch please if anyone can help!!!
It's been 5 months now and the happy couple are still going strong and hopefully getting ready to start having a family together. When are the goslings likely to hatch please if anyone can help!!!
Does she have a safe place in which to lay her eggs and incubate them? once she lays and feels she has laid the amount she wants to brood it will take 28-30 days for them to hatch, but she won't stat brooding until she has laid all the eggs she wants first. So once you see her brooding 24/7 with a few times off the nest each day to eat and swim then you begin the count down. Keep us updated. Thank you for letting us know how they are doing,.

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