help me choose a breed.


9 Years
Mar 8, 2010
I can't choose between Speckled Sussex, Australorps and Barred Rocks. I am looking for a good pink or light brown egg layer that lays well in the winter, and has good temperment.
I just got some speckled sussex a couple of weeks ago and am picking up my australorp chicks tomorrow. I had barred rocks and they were more aggressive so I got rid of them. My sussex are about 5 weeks now and they are very friendly and beautiful, I go with them.
I have heard the Sussex were very friendly, but I have also heard that they were not good winter layers, is this true?
We have Barred Rock hens, but they don't stick out of the crowd. We do have a single Australorp hen that clucks gently when she sees us, or when she's just walking around. Australorps ARE known for being docile, and she definitely fits the bill! She was a protective broody hen until I wooed her with food, and then she let her sweet little peeps climb on my lap and eat food out of the scoop I was holding!

I would be more careful with the Austalorp roos, though. Two of ours enjoyed running into our legs or acting too cocky until we showed them who was boss! They didn't bother us again.

So I'd still recommend this breed for you!
I don't have pure speckled sussex, but my speckled sussex crosses laid all winter long. Age is a determining factor if a bird will lay through winter, as well as lighting. If a bird does not go through moult or experience less light during winter, they continue to lay. In my case my birds were young. Started laying in the fall and laid all winter.
We got some black Austrolorps from cackle a coulple years ago that were very friendly and layed awesome brown eggs consistantly for us, then we had to down size but always planned to get some again when we had the room and money for them. So last spring we got several from Murray McMurray, but they really were a dissapointment because they were not so friendly and have taken a year for the eggs to get up to good sized. just now are they good large eggs. I think that the particular line must have been that way, but all I know is they were not like the cackle austrolorps. So we've crossed them with black Jersey giants in hopes of bigger eggs and better temperment. Due to be hatching these chicks soon.
Cackle has the best quality I have seen yet in a hatchery. Their Easter Eggers lay beautiful dark blue colors. Sadly they no longer ship to Virginia.

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