Help me configure a door!


In the Brooder
8 Years
May 19, 2011
Northern California
My creativity has met its match!
I have the basic design already up to protect the hens but they always find a way out so I have to make it completely enclosed with a wire top too. The open part is their dirt run, but how do *I* get in and out (to feed and change water)?

Gray part is the roof of the coop, the black lines are the chicken wire fencing, and the black dots are the fence posts (one side of fencing -- near the coop -- and the opposite side "posts" of PVC piping).
I don't really have the funds for a gate, exactly, but can get a hold of some cheap materials like more PVC pipe, some 2x6 sections, and a bit of plywood.

Any ideas would be helpful, even if it means I have to get more supplies on payday!
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I need some more information before I can help.How far is it from the fence and the coop.How high is your existing fence.What size PVC pipe do you have and what length.If you can get me that info,it will help us get a start.Good Luck.
:old  I need some more information before I can help.How far is it from the fence and the coop.How high is your existing fence.What size PVC pipe do you have and what length.If you can get me that info,it will help us get a start.Good Luck.:thumbsup

The "hole" is 2 feet and the fence around is 4 feet. And the PVC pipe is 3/4".
Hope that helps! :)
I can give you an idea on a gate that is temporally.You'll need 4ea 3/4"PVC elbows,2 ea 3/4" T's,Some rat wire or chicken wire,and 2 hinges that can wrap around the PVC pipe and attach to the coop.Also a small can of PVC glue and wire ties.Construct your gate the size of the opening with the PVC pipe and the elbows.Use the T's and place them at a 1/2 way point between top and bottom.Once you get these cut and where it will fit in the opening glue your joints together.Place the wire onto the gate with the wire ties.Then place the hinges on and you are set to go.Put on some type of snap so that you can secure the door.This is only a temp until you can get better material.You can go with larger PVC pipe and fittings and beef it up and you could leave it.My main door going into my run is out of 2 1/2" or 3" Pvc.IT does a great job.Good luck You can get these things at a hardware store,TSC,or lowe's.
I don't know if it will help, but check out my member page,
the 9th photo is a picture of our gate to enter/exit the run.
However, if I had to do it over, I would put the gate up and put
a step over on the ground. Getting too old to bend over!

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