Help me decide which male to keep

Misfits Farm 92

Free Ranging
5 Years
Dec 18, 2018
Southern Ohio
I have two coturnix quail males and one female that are the last chicks from my deceased male. I already have an elderly male who needs to retire so I combined his flock with the hens from my other flock. I'm going to take him and another elderly female to put in a smaller hutch with my other elderly female. That leaves eleven females for one of the two young males. They've recently started fighting so I had to separate them. I need to make a choice. Can you guys help? Both males are tibetan tuxedos. They both seem to have some good and bad qualities. I'll get pics of them soon.

Male quail number one. He's pretty wild and I would be concerned about him escaping. He bullied the other male before I separated them but I know that's what male quail do when they don't have enough females. I'm leaning towards keeping this male even though he is wild.

Male quail number two. He's much friendlier than the other one and will sit in my hand like many of the females that I have. He seems to be aggressive when he mates though. He injured my hens head by plucking her feathers and a little bit of skin. I do understand that he may act different when he's older and has more females though.
Hatch some more and get a nice male. :p
Lol I would but like I said I don't really have a good male to hatch eggs from at all right now. My other good male unexpectedly died from a broken neck so I did an emergency hatch and put five eggs into the incubator with thirty five other button quail eggs. Strangely, after I put the fluffy coturnix chicks in the brooder with the button quail one of them acted perfectly normal then died. I dipped it's beak in the water then it pecked at a little food but when it went to sleep under the heat lamp it never woke up. It wasn't crushed because I was watching them and it did stay at the edge of the quail pile. It wasn't to cold because it had only been out of the incubator for five to ten minutes. Now I feel like I hijacked my thread lol.
Lol I would but like I said I don't really have a good male to hatch eggs from at all right now. My other good male unexpectedly died from a broken neck so I did an emergency hatch and put five eggs into the incubator with thirty five other button quail eggs. Strangely, after I put the fluffy coturnix chicks in the brooder with the button quail one of them acted perfectly normal then died. I dipped it's beak in the water then it pecked at a little food but when it went to sleep under the heat lamp it never woke up. It wasn't crushed because I was watching them and it did stay at the edge of the quail pile. It wasn't to cold because it had only been out of the incubator for five to ten minutes. Now I feel like I hijacked my thread lol.
Sometimes chicks just fail to thrive. There's nothing you can do.

You could always order some eggs to hatch.
I would choose an aggressive male for breeding every time. They usually produce hardier chicks and fertility is better but wouldn't keep one that is aggressive to the point of killing the hens.
that's my
Sometimes chicks just fail to thrive. There's nothing you can do.

You could always order some eggs to hatch.
That's true! What's strange about the chick to me at least is how it went down hill so fast. I've only been hatching this many quail for a little while though so I'm pretty inexperienced.
Lol I would but like I said I don't really have a good male to hatch eggs from at all right now. My other good male unexpectedly died from a broken neck so I did an emergency hatch and put five eggs into the incubator with thirty five other button quail eggs. Strangely, after I put the fluffy coturnix chicks in the brooder with the button quail one of them acted perfectly normal then died. I dipped it's beak in the water then it pecked at a little food but when it went to sleep under the heat lamp it never woke up. It wasn't crushed because I was watching them and it did stay at the edge of the quail pile. It wasn't to cold because it had only been out of the incubator for five to ten minutes. Now I feel like I hijacked my thread lol.
I'm confused? You say one died under the heat lamp! Indicating it most likely died of heat exhaustion? The other you say was on the edge of the pile of chicks, indicating the temp was to low....if they are piling up!
It doesn't take long for a chick to become chilled or to have heat exhaustion.

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