Help me defend against my neighbors arguments---point me to the evidence!

Try doing an Advanced Search for the word "predators" and select to search only in this forum- Local Chicken Laws & Ordinances. You'll find several threads in which others have discussed the predator argument. For instance, take a look at this:

Scroll down to post #7, a professional wildlife biologist commented. I'm sure you'll find other helpful responses.
I don't see you getting a variance if your neighbor opposes it. Your best chance is if you can locate the coop 100' from his property line and have the other neighbor with you when you ask for the variance. That way you show that the law is met for the chicken-hating neighbor and the neighbor with less than 100' separation is ok with a variance.
I agree with others the neighbors around you talk to them see if they mind the chicks or not. dont wast your time with the man complaining get teh other neigbers on your side see if you can get the coop as far away from his property line as possible. also pic of coops or if you have yours done even better to bring to the council meeting make sure you have a good plan on keeping smell and other things taken care of. Most citys has laws agist cats being out side un leased i also agree with the fact same predotors that eat chicks also attraced to cats plus cats are alos killers and will do more damage and at greater distace then your chicks can.
I agree with others the neighbors around you talk to them see if they mind the chicks or not. dont wast your time with the man complaining get teh other neigbers on your side see if you can get the coop as far away from his property line as possible. also pic of coops or if you have yours done even better to bring to the council meeting make sure you have a good plan on keeping smell and other things taken care of. Most citys has laws agist cats being out side un leased i also agree with the fact same predotors that eat chicks also attraced to cats plus cats are alos killers and will do more damage and at greater distace then your chicks can.
In requesting the variance, you need to counter your neighbor's arguments, not to him, but to the person or board who hears your case and makes a ruling on the variance. The idea of finding a neighbor who does not mind them being closer so that you can move the coop the legal distance from teh complainers yrd is a good idea.
First and foremost, you need to check your local laws/ordinances, etc. BEFORE getting chicks and building a coop. You should have known you were short on clearance before you ever decided to start this project.

A little pre-planning here and you could've been pro-active in approaching your neighbors on all adjacent properties and speaking with them about your plans. You would have therefore known from the start that at least one was going to be a problem. Actually, he may not have even been a problem because he may have been more compelled to work with you on it because you took the time to approach him first rather than jumping into the project.

Anyway, assuming that he still would have been a problem, you could have found out whether any of your other neighbors were an issue and whether or not they'd mind if your coop was within 100ft of their property boundaries. If anyone didn't mind, then you could have gone for the variance, kept the coop away from the problem neighbor, and at the very least wouldn't be stuck where you are now.

As for your neighbor's arguments against chickens:

-Chickens will not attract any predators that aren't already there. Skunks, raccoons, opossums, fox, coyotes and dogs all roam many burbs quite freely and very likely some (or all) of them are in your area, too. If they weren't there'd be no chance of them every finding your chickens.

-Chickens will not, in and of themselves, decrease any property values. They may decrease salability of yours/adjacent properties if prospective buyers happened to be opposed to chickens, though. If you don't keep your coop/yard cleaned and odors in check, that could become an issue as well.

-It's your prerogative to request a zoning variance just as it is his to fight it.

-I don't know how amenable the guy is, but maybe a little bit of chicken enlightenment would help, too. Yeah, there are nasty chickens out there, but most are not and you would never let yours on his property or anywhere near him, right?
I am not sure I would waste my time going to talk to him....I would go talk to the OTHER neighbors bordering your property and see if ANY of them are fond of your chicken idea. Maybe one of them would allow you to put the coop toward their direction and away from the nasty neighbor. I don't think going to his house and arguing with him at his doorstep will change his mind. But if you want my ways of thinking they are as follows

Chickens that are well cared for do not stink. It is his opinion that chickens lower property values...I would be more inclined to purchase a property where I could have chickens.

Chickens eat bugs including mosquitos and roaches BOTH of which spread diseases!

Chickens will kill and eat mice and snakes.

CATS ARE NASTY they can pass SEVERAL diseases to humans.....a friend of our family passed away from cat scratch disease.

cats can carry toxoplasmosis and are way more "filthier" than a chicken.
Go to There you will find the document they used to successfully change the chicken ordinance in Salem, OR. Their document does address the property values issue quite well.

The next step for you is to ask the city to amend their ordinance to reduce the distance requirement to something more reasonable.

Good Luck!

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