Help me diagnose - lethargic not eating/laying


Jul 2, 2016
My Coop
My Coop
I have a 2 year old dark Brahma hen. She hasn’t laid in 2-3 weeks or so. The last few days I noticed she wasn’t running for treats so I gave her an exam. Has lost weight, no lice/mites, clear eyes/breathing. Eyes look a tiny bit swollen to me though (pic below). No injuries. Crop feels small and mostly empty. Vent looks fine, cannot feel any eggs in there. Color of comb is nice and bright.
She is drinking but not really eating. Poop is watery and dark green but no blood. The rest of the flock (10 hens 1-4 years) seem fine. I isolated her in my hospital pen to keep an eye on her and verify poop status.

They have a large enclosed run but sometimes get supervised grass time in a fenced area.

I am planning to treat them all for coccidia and deworm but other ideas? Especially since she seems to be the only one affected?

If you have a local vet who will let you bring in some fresh droppings to do a fecal test, you would know whether or not worms or coccidiosis may be the problem. Her eye does appear a bit sunken. Do you notice any bubbles in it? I would offer some scrambled bits of egg, canned tuna or catfood to coax her to eat something. The green poop is probably from not eating. Poultry NutriDrench would be good to give her for a few days 1ml for each 3 pounds of weight daily to give her a boost.
No bubbles, I was looking for that too. Her eyes look a bit better now that she’s out of the sun. She ate a scrambled egg happily. I will call the vet- that’s a good idea, thanks!
You can usually buy Terramycin eye ointment in feed stores by asking a clerk for it. Apply a small dab into her eye twice a day. If that is not available, a clean tube of Triple Antibiotic Ointment may be helpful.

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