help me diagnose my limp sleepy 10.5 week old pullet


10 Years
Jul 24, 2014
WestOak, Nebraska
She's 10.5 weeks old. Part time free ranger.

Eyes and nose are clean and clear.
Her small waddles and comb are very pale.

She just wants to be in a ball and sleep. She does lean a little when she is sitting on the floor.

No bugs, wounds, or such seem.

No funky smells.

When I bent forward to pick something up while holding her, clear water did fall from her crop.

She has no interest in food or water or treats.

She was fine when she went to bed last night.

She was wormed by me for all worms two weeks ago.

Rest of the flock looks good. But I did add electrolyte to the water.

I pulled her beak open and gave her 20ml of vitamin electrolyte water and tetracycline over half an hour, which she took.
I'll go give her more later.

She is now alone in a kennel in the barn.

Any ideas?

I did get a bag of moldy feed last week, but they didn't have any of it. The new bag of feed looked good, albeit really a much darker brown than normal, which the whole flock ate.
Posted at 830 my time. At 930 when I went out to give her more water she was dead.

She seems smaller than my other 10.5 week olds.

I found poop in the henhouse with pieces of grass in it. No blood anywhere in poop.

Son said she had no crop to speak of this morning, and all I felt was her front rib bone, which was quite pronounced.

I wonder if she had a dysfunctional crop OR was SIMPLY NOT tAKING free choice grit and slowly Starved to death over the past two weeks.?
At that age, coccidiosis can be a problem. Symptoms are lethargy, puffing up, diarrhea, not eating, and extreme weakness. Corid (amprollium) is a good treatment. Sorry for your loss.

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