help me identify these eggs!


In the Brooder
8 Years
Oct 30, 2011
Northwestern PA
okay i have 2 egg mysteries i need help with. here is a list of the girls that i think could potentially be laying these..

• 2 silver-laced wyandottes & 1 buff-laced wyandotte
• 1 white-laced red cornish
• 1 silver-laced cochin
• 1 cuckoo maran

first mystery is that i have gotten spotted eggs twice now. i haven't been getting them every day, and i have yet to see a girl sitting on an egg that i don't already know what color eggs she lays. so someone has been laying without me seeing them! sneaky...


second mystery, is that in the last 3-4 days i have suddenly gotten a few much darker eggs than i have gotten from the other girls. i am assuming its one of the hens from the list above, as the other hens i have so far been able to identify their eggs. so i am wondering about the darker eggs, bottom row, 2nd and 3rd egg.


what do you think??
My white (leghorn mix?) hen lays a spotted egg every few days. It happens when I disturb her and/or it's overcast causing her to not lay for more than a two days. She's very skittish. Pretty eggs!
Hi, the Cuckoo Marans lay the dark colored eggs. Sometimes they are speckled also, so that is where the darker eggs are coming from.
that seems plausible. only thing is that i think i got 2 dark ones yesterday, which would mean my one cockoo maran laid 2 eggs in a day? seems unlikely. maybe i missed one the day before?..
You have a buff laced Wyandotte? Pictures! PICTURES!

My old Cochin often laid speckled eggs, almost the same color if not a little lighter. My Wyandottes never laid dark or speckled eggs, so I'd say the dark eggs are from your Marans girl. It is possible for a hen to lay two day, though highly unlikely... what other birds do you have, if any?
that seems plausible. only thing is that i think i got 2 dark ones yesterday, which would mean my one cockoo maran laid 2 eggs in a day? seems unlikely. maybe i missed one the day before?..

How late do you collect eggs? I have one that willl sometimes lay an egg late in the evening, and still lay an egg the next day.
ChickenWisperer : well, i thought she was a buff laced wyandotte??
i am still learning to identify breeds and their colorations.. now that you asked, i am googling more pictures and am thinking maybe she is just a red wyandotte? the hen i am talking about is pictured on my BYC page; in the first picture she is in the far right. i also have the list of all our chickens on my page.

farmerChef : i usually collect around noon and then again when i tuck them in for the night, around 4pm. sometimes i see them sitting in the evening, so its not impossible that i sometimes pick up eggs from the night before.

hdowden : my dark eggs don't have that speckled quality that yours appear to have.

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