Help me please! - hen ate ponytail holder -


Premium Feather Member
5 Years
Jan 4, 2019
My Coop
My Coop
Blamo, one of my GLW's just ate a small ponytail-holder about 3 minutes ago! She ate it whole - all of them were fighting over it and she finally got it and went to a corner.....and ATE IT! Will she be ok? She just swallowed it down and went back to playing in a pile of leaves I just gave them.

My chickens are my pets (I don't own a dog or cat so I love them to death...they are my only pets besides two fish) so I'm always worried when something like this happens...and the only other time I had to post in this section was for Kiwi and her hurt wing (Very miner) which was in summer.

My question is "Will she be ok??"

Thanks so much for reading my long post!

- Clucky :fl
Is this one of the elastic ones? Hopefully it will pass and all will be well. Sharp and metal objects are more concerning, things that can cause a puncture or blockage. The smaller it is the better chance it will pass. Once it is out of the crop there is really nothing you can do but wait. If it gets stuck in the crop, then surgery is your only option for that, lower than the crop surgery is not really a viable option. But chickens eat stupid things all the time and many of them have no problems. Keep any eye on her, make sure her crop empties properly (check 1st thing in the morning before she's had any food or water-it should be empty then). Make sure she continues to eat, drink and poop normally. An x-ray (assuming there is a bit of metal on the elastic), would show where it is. This may be of some encouragement:

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