Help Me Please !!!!!!


In the Brooder
7 Years
Jul 14, 2012
Ok i know i am being a pain in the ace here but I have been giving my chickens and turkeys Tetroxy HCA-280 for colds and stuff but that does not seam to be working and now i am trying VetRx poultry remedy now i know i need some help here on what i should do because every time i give them a antibiotic they get better then in a couple of days they are sick again is there anything i can do more to get my flock better so they all can better and have a happy life on the farm .
I did dewormed my chickens this morning with wazine-17 this morning can i give them any more stuff to help with colds or should i wait for a few day then give them more meds or what should i do ?
Please and thank you
Chickens do not get colds, they get respiratory infections. With most of these, all you are doing in giving them antibioitcs is making them carriers that will infect any other chickens on your property in the future. I'm sorry to say this, but it's the best course of action to dispatch these birds so that you do not pass whatever it is along to others.

At the very least, please contact your state veterinarian - and have one of the ill birds tested to see what you are dealing with. You can also search on here for "respiratory" and you'll find lots of threads. Very sorry you're having this issue!
I would give the chickens tylan 50 and penicillin shots too. In between shots every other day I would give tyal 50 orally 1/2 cc for big chicken. I would put it in their water too. Eventually you will get on top of it.
When you get respiratory thing going on it takes alot of time and work to get over it. Clean clean clean houses and disinfect also so not to pass it around isolate sick ones from healthy birds. I make a sick pen for sick birds when have bug going around. Usually a respiratory infection in my birds means mite infestation to me. The sick birds I sprinkle with seven dust and clean out the houses.

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