Help me save her!


Feb 29, 2020
Central Arkansas
I am absolutely beside myself right now! 😭

This morning I realized my dear sweet Minette (10 week old Silkie) didn't come out to eat. I went into the coop and found her behind the block steps for the roosts. I wasn't sure if she got trapped/wedged while hiding from a bully or if she was hiding because something was wrong. I got her out but she seemed reluctant to go outside so I figured maybe it was a bully situation. I took her out and set her down by the water bowl. She drank quite a bit of water like she was really thirsty. I watched her for about 10 minutes. She pooped and it was solid, normal. She mingled with the others and poked at food here and there but didn't seem really keen on eating. I left her with her flock mates and intended to check on her again later. Only I got busy with work and forgot! 😭😭😭 This evening (around 12 hrs later) I was outside with my husband. It was dusk and all the chickens had already gone into their coops.... That's when I noticed poor Minette laying on the ground in her run. I ran to her and was certain she was dead. I picked her up and she started moving very weakly.

I have her inside the house right now. She is laying on a heating pad and covered with a dish towel. I have no clue what is wrong with her but I'm so worried she is going to die. Out of desperation, I syringed a bit of Gatorade, amoxicillan, and mineral oil into her mouth. She is hardly moving at all.

Tomorrow I can pick up some Nutri-Drench which will be better than the Gatorade. I just don't know what to do to save her.
Check her belly; is it to soft or feel like there is liquid in it?
Check her crop to.
I don’t know what else to say, sorry 😞 I am not an expert.

I can't really tell the exact location of her crop. I am gently probing the base of her neck and breast area. It feels squishy and soft. I don't think her crop is full.

I probed around her under carriage. She feels really thin. I'm pretty sure she was eating yesterday but I didn't pay close attention so I can't say for sure... I don't know if she feels thin because she is young or if it is from lack of eating...

I don't see anything overt like a wound or diarrhea (I can saw her poop earlier and it was normal).

She is so limp and weak. Twice she has tried to stand up and immediately went back down.

She did put up a struggle when I forced her to drink. How often should I syringe water into her if she doesn't drink on her own?
I'm so sorry for your baby!!🥺 I have found that a mixture of Nutridrench, electrolytes, water and a bit of sugar mixed together gives them a boost that will hopefully give them enough strength to start eating. I'm no expert, just sharing some advice I was given earlier today! I would syringe water every hour or 2 so she doesn't get dehydrated.
I'm just thinking out loud here... My first concern is Mareks, of course. She doesn't seem to be paralyzed though, just weak.... I hatched her in the incubator. All the chickens she has been exposed to were also hatched from the incubator with the exception of 2 game hens. The game hens have only been mixed with my Silkies for a couple of weeks. None of the other Silkies seem to be showing any signs of illness but I will watch them all closely tomorrow for anything out of the ordinary.

There was also a squirrel in their pen this past week. Can they catch anything from squirrels?
Oh My Gosh! That's awful something similar happened to me 9 1/2 week old Rhode Island Red's last year, sadly both passed away, still don't know what was wrong so sorry. Both kinda seemed like their energy was dying and I felt helpless don't worry you did the best you could, don't blame yourself, sometimes things like this happen.

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