Help Me Save My Chicks!

I went to Tractor Supply on the way home and bought the Sav-a-Chic, both varieties of it. I also bought sugar to save anyone who seems to be on the verge of death.

But coming home, I was pleasantly surprised to see my little chick survived the day. I fully expected to come home to a dead chick. But she's hanging in there! She's still not as active as the others, but she doesn't seem to be on death's door anymore. It made my day! I hope the worst is over and no one else falls ill, but I have a plan now in case it does happen!

Thanks for the heads up on the lamps. I had no idea that was a problem. My husband bought the lamp at tractor supply when I wasn't with him so I'm not sure what the packaging/labels said. I will be checking that today.

I checked the feed and it is the Dumor brand of starter feed. The chick grit I bought is the Manna brand, and that threw me off. I won't change these chicks' feed so as not to upset their tummies, but should I still use this brand for my group coming in May? Or should I get the medicated Manna brand? Will my current chicks be okay without the medication in the feed?

I'm really excited about my mail order chicks coming in. I ordered two silkies based on reviews I had read and I am so glad I did. We got a silkie in the current batch and my husband and I argue over who's chicken she will be. She's so lovable and friendly. And, very importantly, seems to be one of the healthiest!

Thank you everyone for your advice! This forum is very helpful!
Not sure about manna brand I've never used it I've always stuck with purina medicated starter so you didn't have to give the chick grit, grandpa says you have to watch the amount of grit they have access to so they don't fill up on grit alone. As for heat bulbs we just use a 100 watt bulb and place it about a foot off the floor and that kept it right at 100 degrees, but buy a cheap thermometer and put it under the light so you can regulate the temp.
Oh and I hope the hard times are over, keep us posted I know the first week was when we lost all our chicks and its no fun to loose them. But mine are 3 weeks old tomorrow and we haven't lost any in the last two weeks. Best of luck
So glad to see everyone is doing better and that sick chick is hanging in there!

There are lots of opions on medicated vs non medicated starter here...personally I use a bag of medicated and then switch them to non medicated.

and I don't offer grit until they start eating treats after a couple of weeks.
Just a comment about treating coccidiosis: Sulmet was mentioned here a couple of times and I would not suggest it at all unless it's all you can find. Sulmet only treats 2 strains of cocci, there are 9, so you run the risk of not even treating what the chicks have. It's also very hard on them. Corid is a much better choice and is much gentler on them. It's a good idea to keep it on hand in case of a flare up since time is of the essence when treating coccidiosis.

As far as medicated feed... the levels of Amprolium are so low that chicks can still come down with coccidiosis while on medicated feed. So it's value is questionable. And if the chicks are not simultaneously exposed to earth at the same time it serves no purpose. The idea is to protect them from an overgrowth of the cocci protozoa while they build immunity. Many people don't feed medicated, slowly expose chicks to dirt from outside over a period of time, and just keep a close eye on them for symptoms and treat accordingly.

I treat for cocci any time I see chicks who were previously healthy and active suddenly start acting lethargic. Don't wait to see bloody poop because you won't always see that and when you do it's often too late.
Put a teaspoon of raw unfiltered apple cider vinegar in their quart of water. This helps them keep a healthy digestive system and defend against sickness. I have used this from the start. I am new at chickens too, but still have all 31 chicks - alive and kicking.

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