Help me sex a funny-looking mutt


11 Years
Oct 17, 2008
Northern Metro Atlanta, GA USA
Here s/he is:


This 12-week-old bird hatched out of a brownish-pink egg in a group of Easter Eggers eggs I bought off eBay, and it looked different from the start. Right now the only way it has anything in common with its EE compatriots in the flock is the fact that it has tufts. It's very lean compared to all my others, and it has really long and rangy, bright yellow legs that make me think it may have some modern game in it somewhere. But anyway, it's really and truly a mutt, and I am mostly curious as to whether it's male or female. I honestly have no clue.
Can anyone help?
ee cockeral

eta- he has muffs/beard, tufts are totally different
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I did, pea comb(whether crossed or not) that red at 3 months, definite cockeral. I have true ameraucana and my pullets don't get red combs until 6+ months
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I did, pea comb(whether crossed or not) that red at 3 months, definite cockeral. I have true ameraucana and my pullets don't get red combs until 6+ months

I should have put my glasses on! Haha! I thought it was just a really immature, regular spiked comb.
It is definately a young rooster. There is no doupt. Not just the comb, but also the way it is feathering.

You have to remember that EEs are mutts and you can never be sure what they will through. Especially if they egg was not at least green.


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