Help meeded qith harlequin

@Miss Lydia he doesn't want to eat yet but your correct. U going after a few days he will eat on his own. He drank a little water today and sis try ro bathe himself today. So that's promising. He's still"drunk" walking but wants to be with the other ducks. So that's good too. I've given him food twice today upt to 50 ml via the tube. And will one more time.before bed... so today is only day two of food.
That is great to hear. The tube feeding should give you more time to figure out what is going on.
Evening @Quatie and @Miss Lydia. So we are not great but little better . We will sit to have e tube feed without a fight now. I finallyy got my niacin . How much can I give him directly. I also got the B from TSC how much of that 1 to 3 Cc? The niacin is a mystery for me Amy advics would be helpful on that and the dropper.. Thanks. I'll continue to keep you posted
What is the niacin? the liquid B complex is 1ml you can put both in his tube feeding mix.

That is awesome he is doing better. Bless his heart he knows your trying to help him.
He is hanging our with his friends. They don't
16559421479594943679836176380389.jpg li9ke when I take him to feed him

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