Help! Mother and ducklings in garden pool

I doubt you’d get mama in there anyway. So your yard Is completely enclosed? Do you have thick bushes where are they sleeping at night?
Yeah it’s enclosed by all the neighbours gardens around it and then there’s the backyard gate and another metal front drive gate. There is a few enclosed bushes ect around the pool where they could choose to sleep but they are preferring to sleep on a blanket poolside atm.
I did make them a cardboard type house with a waterproof protector and a little rain roof over on now and put blankets etc in there but they have not used it.
Unfortunately we lost 4 babies in the night :( we are absolutely devastated and are now down to 11 ducklings.

We have a shed close to the pool that we’ve checked over and has no way for a fox to get in if I leave a trail of food will I be able to get them in there?

is there a way to tell what animal could have taken them??
Hard to tell, could be owl, mink, fox, really any nocturnal predator that is a common occurrence in your area. You'd be amazed how small of holes minks can fit through and how high foxes can jump. Are the babies missing or are their signs of the attack?

Very sorry for your loss! :hugs

Thank you friend

When I came to check on them there was no sign of any and I found them hiding in a bush.
There are no signs to be seen just 4 missing ducklings and the rest of them have been stuck to their mother instead of playing happily as they were before.
Are they just gone? most likely a fox she'll carry off to her den to feed her kits. Or Owl
So sorry.
I have no idea if you can get mama into your shed. Worth a try.
But I can say that fox will be back :(
Yes just gone
Thanks for the tip

Are they as susceptible to attacks in the day as they are at night,
I’m now worried about them being on the pool in the day
Although I am checking on them every hour and staying with them for most of the day
Thank you friend

When I came to check on them there was no sign of any and I found them hiding in a bush.
There are no signs to be seen just 4 missing ducklings and the rest of them have been stuck to their mother instead of playing happily as they were before.

Hmm, Lots of animals will take ducklings, so its hard to say. I see Hawks, Mink, Foxes and sometimes Owls during the day, but if its hungry it will take them anytime it has the chance.

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