Help! Mother and ducklings in garden pool

they are desperately trying to escape the bathtub and chirping for their mother how long should this last for?
also is an electric heather in a small bathroom with fleece blankets and a low hanging fluffy teddy warm enough?
the bathroom is currently 28 degrees and feels sweltering to be in
I don't want them to be too hot/cant breathe?
I had to look up that temperature and 28°C = 82.4° F so I think they should be ok since they've been out and about. What do you think @Miss Lydia?

You are so good to care for these little ones. They should have food and water always until 10 weeks old but hopefully, momma duck will come to gather them up tomorrow and take them wherever she takes them.
I had to look up that temperature and 28°C = 82.4° F so I think they should be ok since they've been out and about. What do you think @Miss Lydia?

You are so good to care for these little ones. They should have food and water always until 10 weeks old but hopefully, momma duck will come to gather them up tomorrow and take them wherever she takes them.
hey @DuckyDonna
thanks for your help I am very grateful
shes been at the pool for 6 days and with the garden being gated I'm not sure how she'd take them out? I cant leave the gate open as I have dogs

I live on a main road in a busy residential area so their chances of making it to a pond are not good?

im very hesitant to put them back on the pool tomorrow even if their mum is there?
I feel she is wanting to stay on with them but waking up this morning to 4 gone was horrible I cant leave them sitting out at night - and as ive found out tonight i cant get them all into shelter altogether!

I had begun building a metal grid pen around a roughly 4m by 2m pond that I have in the garden that I thought they could all live in- top off in the day so mum can fly out as she pleases & ushering them to a more secure shed at night for extra fox protection
i guess this was just wishful thinking
if i'd left them alone they might have survived the night together and i could have finished the pen:(
You wanted the best an safest place for them. Hopefully she’ll return tomorrow. In the mean time look up rehabbers in your area even vets may know of someone. This is what they do care for orphaned wild life then introduce them into the wild. They of course feel scared and alone do you have a night light? You might leave it on so they can find food an water.
You wanted the best an safest place for them. Hopefully she’ll return tomorrow. In the mean time look up rehabbers in your area even vets may know of someone. This is what they do care for orphaned wild life then introduce them into the wild. They of course feel scared and alone do you have a night light? You might leave it on so they can find food an water.

thanks @Miss Lydia

i have a wildlife rescue team on hand that I called for advice that said they will take them if they become abandoned or injured

ive put in a night light for them and they've settled down now they have mushy oats and a little Tupperware of water with a small hole in the lid. so far only 1 has figured how to use it correctly to dunk his head

I've heard their mother squaking in the garden just now !
if she is there tomorrow I will re unite them and then be back to square 1 😹
atleast they are all alive and well which is more than what could have been if they were out unprotected tonight??
If I am understanding correctly your pool area is gated and the babies can't get out? Can foxes get in? Momma duck could fly in, couldn't she? Maybe tomorrow you could finish the house for them by your shed and you can lock momma in with them?
Let us know how it is In the morning. It almost seems it would be safer to let the rehabbers have them since they are unsafe and even getting to the pond is hazardous. I’m glad at least you have back up if needed. So your yard is completely fenced? Just wondering how a predator got inside? And why ducklings were taken an mama wasn’t.
@Miss Lydia
the garden looks onto a main road but its gated all around the main perimeter
it's L shaped with the pool being in the smaller section so to still allow the dogs out in the garden to do their business I shut off the pool section with garden furniture so they couldn't get in
if a fox wanted to climb in it could do so easily i imagine the garden is like a small country park with bushes and trees ect!

yes i was thinking the same about the re-habbers and it was my first thought when they first dropped into the garden but of course I want the mother and babies to be kept together

the ducklings were always wondering off from there mother i think it may have been seagulls early this morning that took them
they tried to take my dog when he was a puppy and have successfully taken others
if it was a fox surely he would have got them all or just 1? how would a fox manage 4 ?
I have seen quite a few videos of kind people helping mama ducks and her duckling make it safely to a body of water through traffic off of high buildings etc. it’s amazing where these mama ducks make their nests.
Do you have an English garden with low shrubs like boxwoods all around? (LIke in Rosemary & Thyme and those pretty gardens? I love that BBC show. I wish there were more episodes.) Anyway, back to reality.

I guess there is no way a fox could be kept out of there. Since you have a pool I was picturing a chain link or some kind of security fence all the way around the pool area to keep neighbor kids from drowning and you from getting sued.

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