Help! Mother and ducklings in garden pool

A Mallard at 2 weeks most likely isn't very large since they are small ducks to begin with. A fox feeding her young may have killed one and then another and carried both off. I am not sure if both parents feed their kits or not. And the rest were just hanging out as usual? What other predators do you have stoats? weasel? mink? How many left now?
Yeah they’re still pretty small.
Would a flying predator like a hawk be able to get 2? I imagine he’d only swoop and take 1 and the others would tight pack under their shelter for safety.
I don’t think we get them in the city especially where I live.
There’s 9 left now out of 15!
Last time when the 4 were taken it was 12 days ago it seems a long time for a fox to wait when it knows where to find them.

it’s so annoying I just want to know what it is!
Can you set up a game camera? if you don't have one maybe someone you know would that way you can see what is coming around at night.
Listen we have coyotes walking around in NY city so don't estimate where your predators are they are sometime in more populated areas than rural. A Hawk doesn't hunt at night but an owl does.
Is there any difference to a pet/nanny cam apart from waterproof?
Does a trail cam record constantly?
I don’t have much to add, I just found this and read the whole saga! You’re doing great. I used to live on a pond, one year there were ducklings near my house. Mum would come by every day and I’d count them. We started with 12, only 2 made it to adulthood. I think that’s the way it works in nature.
I applaud your efforts though, and thanks for letting them use your pool!

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