Help!!!! My Baby Chicks Are Cannibals!!!!

The Apostle

9 Years
Jun 10, 2010
I have some baby White Leghorn chicks that i purchased from a hatchery born on May 23. They are growing beautifully, getting big and pretty and a few days ago they start pecking at each other and eating each other's feathers. Now I have a bunch of chicks with bald spots, they killed one and i don't know what to do!!!! They have food, water, a light, good living space, HELP!!!!!!!
nope, the light is a white heat lamp, they ran out of red ones here at the local hardware store.
Mine were doing that a few days ago and I thought it was due to the interesting crest of the Polish bantams mixed with Silkies. It ended up being overcrowded was the problem. Also if the pecked spot bleeds the other chicks will go crazy and peck away because of the taste. Remove a chick with any wound to heal for a few days.

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